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  1. my trackpad worked well with VoodooPS2Controller Release 5.zip !
  2. i have some problem : 1. click Sleep mode -> not working , then audio stopped working 2. close the lid of the laptop and system still working -> must reset by power button
  3. my trackpad worked well with Release 5.zip ! i tried install ALC292.kext. but not working . how to install it ? Default , Extract E6540_HS_A22_disabled-HD8790M.zip (include AppleHDA , ALC292.kext ) and it not working ! -------update my audio worked well with kext AppleHDA-276.26-ALC292.zip on https://github.com/insanelydeepak/Patched-AppleHDA-for-Mac-OS-Sierra-10.12/tree/master/Laptop's ------thanks for all
  4. i installed VoodooHDA.kext and had 1 problem: speaker show and working - headphone not show; or plug in headphone -> restart then headphone working and speaker also not working this involve to my trackpad?
  5. i copied VoodooPS2Controller-R6Bronxteck.kext.zip to L/E, fix permission and rebuild cache -> restart then keyboard and trackpad not working i tried install this kext via Kext utility then keyboard trackpad working, but trackpad still working not smoothly
  6. i tried VoodooPS2Controller-R6Bronxteck.kext.zip with Kext wizart then nothing change. i tried copy to EFI/clover/kexts/other and same result
  7. thank you ! . i resolved them. but my Alps trackpad working not smoothly .
  8. thanks so much ! I installed success 10.13. but 1. my hd graphic 4600 - 1536mb but open Launchpad very lag. 2. My trackpad working but not smoothly 3. I copied AppleHDA-ALC292 to LE and run sudo touch -f /L*/E* sudo touch -f /S*/L*/E* sudo kextcache -Boot -U / then audio not working. how can I fix its ?
  9. hi, i copied and replaced from "E6540_HS_A22_disabled-HD8790M.zip" and screen like bellow. someone can help me ?
  10. hi! can you give me a guide ! thanks so much!
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