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  1. Update - testing has gone pretty well. The system now seems pretty stable for the past week with VT-D turned off with the current set of patches and config tweaks. I'm calling it good at this point! I'll start rolling this into a good tarball and start putting together a nice setup guide. @Jake Lo, thanks a lot for your help and guidance - I would not have gotten the 5414 to work without your help. Final question - should I post the last set of DSDT files for patching (since I did make a change by turning off VT-D), or do you think the current set of patches are good as is? They seem to work fine, but I thought I'd check with you on this. Thanks again - will begin working on the guide for the 5414.
  2. Update - I read that VT-D might cause these sorts of symptoms, so I disabled VT-D in the BIOS. Have been running for about an hour now, and so far no crash. Will continue stress testing the system for the next few days to see if it is stable. More to come.
  3. Status update on this - I'm putting the 5414 through it's paces to do some stability testing; want to make sure the system works correctly under normal use with the current config files and patches. The result: it does not. The system seems stable enough with short term usage. After using for a while, typically between 20 and 30 minutes, the system will either slow down to a crawl, and then go back to the HS login screen, or will freeze entirely. Have checked the forums and various other places online for similar symptoms. Have found some references to the Intel Graphics driver as being a possible cause. Will further investigate and try to see if I can isolate an exact cause. If anyone here has any ideas, would be appreciated - debug files are posted above; the system's configuration has not changed since they were posted. Will keep at it. Hopefully, we'll have a stable build process for a rugged latitude soon.
  4. @Jake Lo, I'm back and have gotten a lot done. Here are the results of testing over the past couple of days: Sleep: I went ahead and got ahold of a good SSHD drive and put that into the 5414, and then installed HS and followed all of the steps we have taken thus far. The result: it looks like our theory was correct, and the USB-based SD Card slot seems to not be powering up after recovering from sleep, and that was the reason why the system would crash after it wakes-up. With the SSHD drive in the system, sleep performs perfectly as expected, and I was able to both close the lid and manually sleep the system multiple times, and it woke-up every time. Problem solved there. ExpressCard: I was also able to test out the ExpressCard slot on this system. I managed to get ahold of an ExpressCard 54 USB adapter. I got it to work, but I had to enable the Disable Port Limit for AppleUSBXHCI patch via CloverConfigurator. Once I did that, the card was able to see almost every USB device I plugged into it. I did notice one of my external hard drives and my external DVD drive didn't function without giving them extra power; given that the ExpressCard standard only provides about 1A of power, this was not surprising. Counting this as a win - the ExpressCard slot works. I'm going to go ahead and leave the Disable Port Limit patch in place. Serial Port: I gave up on the RS-232 serial port for now. The reason is simple - I just can't find a device locally to test the serial port with. I was going to try to use a serial cable to connect to an old school router or modem, but I literally can't find any in my area to test with. If you or anyone has any suggestions on what I could use to test the serial port, I'd be glad to try. I may try getting some older equipment via eBay to test against at some point, but I think that goes way out of the scope of what we are trying to get done for now. HDMI Audio: Looks like I was either mistaken or missed something in testing - HDMI Audio does work, but only in a very specific hardware configuration. So, with our current patches and configuration files, we get these results: - If you boot the system with the lid closed and connected to an external HDMI monitor, you see the HDMI Audio device show up in System Preferences -> Audio -> Output. When you select the device, audio comes out of the speakers from the HDMI display and appears to function as you would normally expect. - If you boot the system with the lid open and connected to an external HDMI monitor, the HDMI Audio device never shows up in System Preferences -> Audio -> Output. Only the Internal Speakers or Headphone Out are available. So that's it for now. The only thing left to figure out is why HDMI Audio works correctly when you boot with the lid closed, but not when you boot with the lid open. Any thoughts there? I'm attaching the IOReg that was taken when the HDMI Audio was working - I hope this helps. I also have an IOReg from when HDMI was not working, and I have Debug files for both working and not working states available if you want them. I went ahead and attached the IOReg from when HDMI Audio was not working, as well as the Debug files from both states, HDMI Audio working and not working. Also went ahead and compressed with 7zip to reduce the space used by these files. Thanks again - we are very close to having the 5414 completely working! I'll go ahead and update the main post with these results. If there is anything else you think I should try/test, I'll be happy to do so. Latitude 5414 - External HDMI Monitor Only - HDMI Audio Works.ioreg.7z Latitude 5414 - Built-In HDMI Mirrored Monitors - HDMI Audio Not Working.ioreg.7z debug_14216_hdmi_audio_works.7z debug_22549_hdmi_audio_not_working.7z
  5. @Jake Lo, looks like I hit the upload limit for today, I can't post the other two files for just HDMI and just VGA connected. I think the important one was with both HDMI and VGA connected, so that's posted above. Sorry for any inconvenience.
  6. Here is the IOReg for both external monitors connected at the same time, with all three displays (Built-in, HDMI, VGA) setup as separate displays. Latitude 5414 Rugged - Built-In HDMI VGA Three Separate Screens.ioreg.zip
  7. @Jake Lo, here are the results of testing for today: I applied your modified config.plist and then rebuilt permissions - no problems there that I could tell. I then tested the external displays. External displays performed exactly the same as before, with no changes that I could find. HDMI out still required closing and opening the lid to show on the built-in and external displays. VGA out performed flawlessly. I then decided to hook-up both two external displays, one via HDMI and one via VGA, to see what would happen. The results were very good - all three screens (Built-in, HDMI, VGA) worked. In this configuration, I was able to select up to 1920x1080 for the Built-In and HDMI screens; for the VGA, I was only able to select up to 1360x768. Still, to have two external screens on one laptop is pretty nice, so I'll take that as a win. For completeness sake, I captured the data - I have IOReg dumps for when the HDMI monitor is connected, for when the VGA monitor is connected, and for when both are connected at the same time. The dumps are big, so I'll attach them individually in follow-up posts. Question - do you want to try forcing the HDMI port to be seen as HDMI instead of DisplayPort or VGA? I could then capture the data just like I did above. No need to do it if you don't think it's worth the time, but I thought I'd offer to do the testing if you think it's worth it. On to audio. There was a change with audio output. HDMI audio out stopped functioning, and the HDMI output device no longer shows up in System Preferences -> Audio -> Output when you connect the HDMI cable. Previously, a new audio device would show up, but it's definitely gone now. Audio input was completely unaffected, and functioned as expected. There was no change in the behavior for Sleep - it still hangs when the system wakes up. However, I did find a bit more information. When I tried to open iTerm2 after the system wakes up, I got an error that basically said "I can't write to this temporary file on your disk". I wasn't quick enough to capture the exact verbiage, but that was the gist of the error. Since I am currently booting from the SD Card, I'm wondering if the problem may be that the bus that the SD Card reader is attached to may not be responding correctly after resume. I don't have much to base this on, but it makes sense from observation - the system recovers from sleep by what is in RAM, but can't access it's disk, so it grinds to a halt. Given the above with Sleep, I'm going to hunt down a spare SSD or SSHD and swap out the main system drive (I don't want to loose the other OS on the main system drive just yet). Once I swap out the drive, I'll re-install HS based on what has been done thus far, and then re-test everything. This will take some time, but I'll reply here once I have more data from testing without booting from the SD Card. That's it for today. Do you have any other suggestions for me or configs/patches you would like me to try? Please let me know and I'll get the testing done. Also, I'll attach the debug for today's efforts; the IOReg files for the various monitor configurations are coming shortly Thanks again for all your help! This really would not be possible without it, and I (and I'm sure countless others) are very grateful. debug_30967.zip
  8. @Jake Lo, that is interesting. The 5414 has an HDMI port and a VGA port - no DisplayPort at all. I suspect that this is partly due to Dell's tendency to like to re-use motherboard designs between systems. I'm willing to bet that the 5414 motherboard could have had a DisplayPort, but that feature was not physically implemented in the 5414. However, this is just an educated guess. Regardless, more testing! I tried the VGA port today. This went very well - the external monitor came on almost immediately when connected via VGA cable; more importantly, the Built-In display stayed on too. I was able to do mirrored screens from built-in, mirrored screens from external, and separate displays. Dual screens with VGA functions flawlessly on this machine - I'm calling that a win! I'm attaching a new IOReg that was captured while the VGA cable was connected and the screens were set to mirror from the built-in display. I hope you find this useful. Now for the problem encountered. Sleep is acting differently than it did previously. In earlier testing, I could sleep the system if I manually selected "Sleep" from the apple menu, and I could successfully wake the system and use it; closing the lid simply made the screen turn black, and the screen would not come back on until you rebooted. That's the old behavior. This behavior has changed. Now I can sleep the system anytime by choosing "Sleep" from the apple menu or by closing the lid. This works consistently, and I get the "breathing" power light after about 20-25 seconds. So far, so good. However... When I then try to wake-up the system by pressing the power button or by opening the lid, the system does wake up and the screen lights up, and I am even able to type a few characters. After that, the system grinds to a halt and becomes unresponsive. The symptoms are after the system "wakes-up": 1) sluggish performance 2) keyboard becoming unresponsive 3) In the WiFi menu, entries appear very wrong. If you click the WiFi icon, you'll see entries like this: kAirPortStatusScanningKey kAirPortTurnOffKey kAirPortOtherKey kAirPortCreateNetworkKey kAirPortOpenNetworkPrefsKey 4) the mouse becomes unresponsive after a few clicks 5) sometimes the background of the desktop disappears and turns black 6) eventually, the system completely locks up and becomes unresponsive I'm attaching the current debug file. I can't get one after resuming from sleep , as the system crashes shortly after wake-up, so this debug file is taken immediately before sleep. Hopefully this will help. Any ideas or instruction on how I should proceed? Let me know and I'll follow your instruction. Latitude 5414 Rugged - Built-In and VGA External Mirrored.ioreg.zip debug_7772.zip
  9. @Jake Lo, I tried your instructions above, closing the lid and then re-opening the lid, and the system reacted exactly as you described - the built-in monitor came on as primary, and the external monitor came on as secondary. I then tried several different screen resolutions, tried mirroring the built-in display, tried mirroring the external display, tried running with the lid closed and external monitor only. I then repeated all of these a few times, and the results were consistent - it works by doing things in this order: 1) Boot the system into HS with no external display connected. 2) Connect to an external display via HDMI. 3) Wait for the display to come up on external monitor. 4) Close the lid. 5) Wait about 5 seconds. 6) Open the lid. 7) Observe both built-in monitor and external monitor light up. I'll update the first post to show this success. Just to have some additional data, I'll attach an IOReg dump from both displays working. I don't know if it will help, but I figure it might, so I'll go ahead and attach here. Not much left to get this fully working - I'll test sleep via closing the lid next and report back here with what happens. Thanks again for your help! Latitude 5414 Rugged - Built-In and External Working and Mirrored.ioreg.zip
  10. @Jake Lo, I took the patch files you provided from the above post and put them in /EFI/Clover/ACPI/patched, and then I repaired permissions and rebuilt the cache using the commands commands in the previous post. Then I rebooted - this worked without issue, and HS booted as expected. Then I connected the external display via HDMI. The built-in display turned black, and the external display lit-up and displayed at 1360x768 resolution. Then I used IO Registry Explorer v3.0.2 build 14 to capture the IOReg file. I've compressed and have attached here. I'll play around with the various resolutions to see what this machine will actually do, and I'll also test with the lid closed to see what happens. If anything interesting happens, I'll capture IOReg again and post here. Otherwise, will standby for your instructions on what to try next. Latitude 5414 Rugged.ioreg.zip
  11. Forgot to add the .zip files in the previous post - they are attached here. debug_16018.zip CLOVER-2018-08-20.zip
  12. @Jake Lo,I tried your suggestions and had some good results. Here is what happened: - When I disabled Legacy Option ROM in the 1.18.0 BIOS, the power management/battery charging suddenly worked properly. Inserting and removing the power cord seems to show the correct charging status for the battery, and you get the "chime" sound when you plug in the power adapter. - I repaired permissions and rebuilt the cache using the following commands: sudo chmod -Rf 755 /S*/L*/E* sudo chmod -Rf 755 /L*/E* sudo chown -Rf 0:0 /S*/L*/E* sudo chown -Rf 0:0 /L*/E* sudo touch -f /S*/L*/E* sudo touch -f /L*/E* sudo kextcache -Boot -U / and then rebooted. When the system came back up, the brightness control was present in System Preferences -> Displays, and appeared to function normally. - I then installed Karabiner Elementsas per the "9179-dell-latitude-e7x70-clover-uefi-only" guide in the Sierra section, making sure to use the correct .json file in the Sierra section. This worked - I was then able to control the screen brightness with the F11 and F12 keys. - I then decided to try to Sleep the system. In order to prep, I disabled hibernate by executing the following commands: sudo pmset -a hibernatemode 0 sudo rm -f /var/vm/sleepimage sudo pmset -a hibernatefile /dev/null I then verified that the change was in effect by executing: pmset -g This returned a value of 0, indicating the change was effective. I then selected the "Sleep" entry in the apple menu. After a few moments, the system appeared to enter sleep, and I observed the "breathing" power light. When I pressed the power button after it started "breathing" the system woke-up and appeared to work normally. I then rebooted and repeated this test, and it still worked. - I then rebooted again into HS, and then closed the lid of the system. The screen turned off, but I got no breathing light. When I opened the lid, the screen was black. I will next attempt the steps in the "0236-how-to-fix-black-screen-in-high-sierra" thread in the forums. Will give that a try and report results back here. - Since I changed a BIOS setting (disabling Legacy Option ROM), I went ahead and pressed F4 in Clover to dump the current DSDT/SSDT files. Not sure if this was necessary, but I figure it would be a good idea to do so whenever any BIOS settings get changed. I'll attach a copy of the current Clover directory along with a current Debug to reflect all of the changes made. - An observation - it seems that the system sometimes freezes when I'm using a web browser. I've observed this happen with both Safari and Chrome so far. I seem to remember reading about this somewhere in the forums that disabling the Video BIOS could help, but I have not yet found where I read that; even if I find that article (wherever I saw it), I don't think the 5414 BIOS has that option. Does anyone have any insight on what might be causing web browsers to freeze? Thanks again for your help! We are a lot closer to having a fully functioning rugged "Tankintosh".
  13. Thanks @Jake Lo - what you and the osxlatitude team do is really appreciated!! I tired your patches - put the patched DSDT and SSDT files and the updated config.plist in /EFI/Clover. Here were the results: - Microphone works very well now. I actually had to turn down the gain and turn on ambient noise reduction due to the sensitivity of the mics. Will be trying an iChat or Skype session at some point to see how well that works. - Screen brightness - did not see a change there. I go to System Preferences -> Displays, and no controls are found for brightness. Pressing Fn+F11 or Fn+F12 still freezes the system immediately. Did some digging in the forums and found out about Karabiner-Elements as per the "9179-dell-latitude-e7x70-clover-uefi-only" guide in the Sierra section. I'm going to give that a try to see if it helps, and will report back here. - Power Management - I was able to get the system to sleep, but the screen never comes back from sleep. Did another forum search and found "10236-how-to-fix-black-screen-in-high-sierra" - I'm going to try these steps and see if that helps, and will report back here. Once I try the above, I'll collect the current debug and clover files and post here. If there is any other diagnostic information I should collect, please let me know and I'll get that information too. Other notable observations in testing: - Power Management (additional) - I discovered that simply unplugging or plugging-in the power adapter will cause the system to freeze immediately. Not sure why, but I think it's worth noting, so I'm reporting that here. - Running from SDCard - the SD Card reader in this system is on of the faster ones I've come across, so I decided to try running HS directly from the card. I got a 64MB UHS-I card rated at 90MBs and tried installing HS. And it worked - HS ran on that card with no noticeable difference other than being slower than on an SATA drive. It's not "fast" by any stretch, especially compared to the SSD in this system, but it may be useful for anyone that wants to use this as an emergency bootable OS. I may try getting a faster UHS-III card in the near future to see just how fast the SD Card reader is in this system; if I do, I'll post that here. Is there any other pointers or anything else that I should be trying? Thanks for you support on this everyone! I'm not aware of any guides out there for any ruggedized laptops, so I'm looking forward to being able to put one together once we get as much working as we can.
  14. TLDR: Trying to get HS 10.13.6 running on a Latitude 5414 Rugged. Most of it works. Need some help patching DSDT/SSDT files in particular. ---------- Hello Everyone! I've had some success with getting HS 10.13.6 running on a Latitude 5414 Rugged. I'm working on getting a full how-to write-up going for this machine, but I need some help. Some basic specs: - Dell Latitude 5414 Rugged - Intel Core i5-6300U @ 2.50 GHz - 32GB DDR4 @ 2133 MHz - 256 GB Solid State Drive - 14" 1920x1080 touchscreen display - Impact and water resistant - BIOS version 1.18.0; BIOS was set to default settings, and then these tweaks were made (as of 2018-08-20): 1) SATA mode set to AHCI 2) Keyboard LED color set to green 3) Legacy option ROM is disabled (e.g. box is unchecked) All other BIOS settings left at defaults for 1.18.0 Here's what is working thus far: - Intel HD 520 graphics full acceleration (1536MB detected) - Internal laptop display @ 1920x1080 (not at the same time with external HDMI) - External HDMI output to monitor (not at the same time with internal laptop display) - Internal keyboard and touchpad - Audio out to speaker, headphone, and HDMI; HDMI Audio works if you connect to and external HDMI monitor with the power off, and then boot the system with the lid closed. - Intel I219LM Ethernet - Broadcom BCM93252Z WiFi and Bluetooth - Built-in web camera - SATA connector for HDD and DVD-ROM in AHCI mode - SD card reader (macOS is bootable from SD Card) - All USB ports - Touchscreen (very basic single-point touch support only - NO multi-touch) - 2018-08-19 - Audio in via microphone now working thanks to Jake Lo's patches and edits to config.plist. - 2018-08-20 - Sleep, but only if you manually select the "Sleep" entry in the apple menu; once the system sleeps, and you get the "breathing" light, if you press the power button then the system successfully wakes up and appears to function normally - 2018-08-20 - Inserting and/or removing the power adapter cable works correctly (and you get the chime sound when you plug in the power cable) - 2018-08-20 - Brightness controls work in System Preferences -> Display; if you install Karabiner Elements, then you can control brightness via keyboard. - 2018-08-21 - Multiple displays work with HDMI if you 1) boot the system with no external connected 2) connect an external display via HDMI 3) wait for the external display to come up; the built-in will go black 4) close the lid 5) wait 5 seconds, then open the lid 6) observe the internal display come on as primary, and the external display come on as secondary - 2018-08-22 - Multiple displays work flawlessly with VGA - 2018-08-22 - Radeon M360 is correctly disabled via patch - 2018-08-22 - System will sleep consistently by selecting sleep from the Apple menu or by closing the lid; however, the system will not wake-up properly (see below for details on "not wake-up properly") - 2018-08-26 - Sleep works as expected when booting from the SATA devices. - 2018-08-26 - ExpressCard slot works as expected; was tested with ExpressCard 54 to USB adapter. USB disable port limit patch was needed. Here is what is NOT working: - Sleep/power management - cannot suspend the system; it tries to go to sleep and the screen goes blank, then immediately tries to wake up but the screen does not come on; have to disable screen blanking to keep the screen from turning off; the OS immediately freezes if you remove or plug in the power adapter at any time. Closing the lid will blank the screen, but the system won't actually sleep; raising the lid from this state results in a black screen. Also, if you sleep the system by manually selecting the "Sleep" entry in the apple menu and then you close the lid, when you open the lid the system will appear to try to wake-up, but the screen never comes back on. System will sleep consistently by selecting sleep from the Apple menu or by closing the lid; however, the system will not wake-up properly. When the system comes back up, it is sluggish, the keyboard will become unresponsive, and the system will freeze after a few mouse clicks. Additionally, the WiFi menu is incorrect after the system wakes-up, with multiple entries similar to "kAirPortTurnOffKey" being shown if you click the WiFi icon. Sleep does NOT work if booting from SD Card; since the SD Card is on the USB bus, it is likely that sleep will not work from USB-based drives/flash media either (this is untested, but likely). - Multiple monitors - you can use either the internal laptop display or an external monitor via HDMI, but not both at the same time. - Screen backlight / brightness control - not present in System Preferences -> Displays; system freezes if you press Fn+F11 or Fn+F12 to try to manually change the brightness. - Microphone - shows up as present in System Preferences -> Sound; setting the Input Volume to max will get you a slight response, but not much and is not usable (maybe the mic needs to be initialized or have the input gain adjusted somehow?) - Radeon M360 - I know that this will never work; I'm putting it here because I have not yet figured out how to disable it and/or verify it is disabled (maybe there is a patch for this?) - HDMI Audio - does NOT work if you boot the system with the lid open. Here is was is not yet tested: - VGA output - just need to find a VGA cable and connect to a VGA monitor; will report back with result once that's done. - 9-pin RS-232 serial port - need to find a serial device to test this against; once I do, will test and report back. This will remain un-tested for now, as I have no devices to test this with. - ExpressCard 54 slot - not sure if there is a way to test this, but will look into it an report back here if I find anything useful. For reference, I've attached both clover.zip and debug_12760.zip files. To get this far, I used most of the files from OS X Latitude Generic EFI Folder EFI_4617 and OS X Latitude Boot Pack E5470 v1.18.6_HS. In addition, I hunted around online and found found the config_HD515_520_530_540.plist for Skylake laptops, and then modified it to allow the Intel HD 520 and the onboard audio to work. So that's where it stands. Pretty good progress, but definitely need some help. I'm not good at patching DSDT/SSDT files (as in I haven't figured out how to patch), so if anyone can patch the DSDT/SSDT files, I'd be very appreciative. If anyone needs any more information please let me know and I'll be happy to provide whatever I can. Thanks in advance for any assistance or pointers. Once everything is figured out, I'll be contributing back by writing up a good how-to. debug_12760.zip CLOVER.zip
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