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  1. OK, someone with a V3 touchpad confirmed that after doing a reinstall, the touchpad works on 1500. I did a pull request to acidanthera's repo, and hopefully we can all be happy now with the driver :). VoodooPS2 2.2.9 has been released few hours ago. https://github.com/acidanthera/VoodooPS2/releases/tag/2.2.9
  2. Unfortunately, the log doesn't contain anything with trackpad at all. That external USB also gets affected is very odd. I think I need to clear my head first, then I will investigate about this strange issue... Until then, using 1500 as a workaround should do the trick (which I hate :P).
  3. The Latitude 7490 uses the newer I2C protocol. VoodooPS2Trackpad will not affect the touchpad, use AlpsHID instead. You may need VoodooPS2Controller to use your keyboard.
  4. I assume the IOProbeScore did not affect with my version since there was no interference with Synaptics and ELAN code. I checked one of the V8 log and the touchpad was working perfectly, but macOS did not want to process it for some reason. The touchpad speed should be the same with my version, since I did no changes to the speed at all. However, compared to Dr. Hurt's PS2 kext, the touchpad is a bit faster. The trackstick speed might have changed, since v2.2.9 uses VoodooTrackpoint instead of its own mouse device. I assume "And it's more smooth than this v2.2.9" is related to the trackstick? Here is a kext which uses the IOProbeScore 6000, but I added a property which waits the trackpad to "calibrate" for 4.5 seconds (by default) before setting protocols. I also cut the trackstick speed even more: VoodooPS2Controller-2.2.9-DEBUG.zip The wait time can also be changed inside the Info.plist (the time is in milliseconds). If the touchpad does not work, try increasing/decreasing the value, but keep the IOProbeScore at 6000. Hopefully this will help.
  5. I appreciate the feedback. Thank you very much! However, this raises another issue: V3 touchpads only work on IOProbeScore 6000 while V8 touchpads only work on 1500. Funny enough, V7 is not affected and works on both scores. Since I only have a V7 touchpad, I cannot debug this issue. Until I find a fix, I guess I will change the default IOProbeScore to support V8 (1500) without modifications, as V8 is the newest ALPS PS2 device. V3 users have to change the IOProbeScore (found in VoodooPS2Trackpad/Info.plist) back up to 6000. Maybe we find the middle, which works on both V3 and V8 (?)
  6. @Mattia27c Can you try both kexts and report back? VoodooPS2Controller-2.2.9-DEBUG (6000).zip VoodooPS2Controller-2.2.9-DEBUG (1500).zip
  7. @Mattia27c Thanks for the feedback. The kext I uploaded above is a bit outdated. Currently, this is the latest one: https://github.com/SkyrilHD/VoodooPS2/actions/runs/2524741295 Artifacts (8fcd8a5).zip Based on your feedback, I lowered the trackstick speed and changed the trackpad calculation like on V3 and V7. VoodooPS2Controller-2.2.9-DEBUG (V8 virtualFingers).zip However, I would like to use V8's own calculation, as it should provide accurate third and fourth finger tracking. I suggest checking finger movements with FingerMgmt (e.g. unpressing or jumping around).
  8. small update: I've changed the code for the trackstick, but I can't test the changes because my E7250 doesn't have a trackstick. To avoid multiple IOHIDPointing devices, I removed the code from the ALPS code to use VoodooTrackpoint from VoodooInput. I think this is the last change (if nothing is broken) before making a pull request. Link: https://github.com/SkyrilHD/VoodooPS2/actions/runs/2440514063 or for non-GitHub account: Artifacts (b609366).zip
  9. Sorry for being inactive, for some reason I did not get any emails about this thread. Apparently, acidanthera's version is conflicting with something I did not find yet and causes the touchpad not to work on restarts (on my E7250 at least). I am assuming it is due to the high IOProbeScore. I lowered it, which hopefully fixes it. Additionally, I changed the VoodooInput processing code, so the kernel panic that most V8 users were getting should be now gone. One of the benefits that V8 users are also getting is using 4 fingers natively. Currently, on 2+ fingers, virtual fingers were created to support touchpads that did not support the third and fourth packet and therefore causing issues with 3 or 4 finger gestures. However, I cannot verify if that's actually the case, as I don't have a V8 touchpad. Feedback about this kext would be helpful https://github.com/SkyrilHD/VoodooPS2/actions/runs/2434461660 And yes, like on other touchpads, there is a delay between keyboard and touchpad movement. But this can be changed inside the VoodooPS2Trackpad Info.plist: https://github.com/SkyrilHD/VoodooPS2/blob/x_avg-free/VoodooPS2Trackpad/VoodooPS2Trackpad-Info.plist#L80-L81
  10. That's weird as my version is exactly the same as acidanthera's version. Maybe, check if the kext order is correct.
  11. Welcome to the new (also probably the last) release, and I am happy to announce that 1.0.6 has been released! This release includes many fixes and support for Force Touch (more on that later)... First I created a pull request for the acidanthera repo as my goal was to make the whole VoodooPS2 thing more unified. So if all goes well, it will be merged soon. Second, thanks to @Jake Lo's testing, V8 is now more stable and won't break after a few hours of use. Also, the trackpoint speed is now a third compared to 1.0.5. Third, I removed VoodooInput support for V1, V2, and V6 touchpads due to hardware limitations. However, they still work like a regular mouse. Fourth, notification centre on V7 touchpads has now been fixed! Also, Rushmore V3 now loads properly. Last but not least, Force Touch support. This is a bit complicated and can lead to confusion. The table in my README should give a good overview of which Force Touch modes are supported: https://github.com/SkyrilHD/VoodooPS2-ALPS#force-touch I want to thank you again for helping me debug to fix VoodooInput on other versions of ALPS touchpads! It was a fun ride
  12. @Jake Lo Here you go, the latest artifact (09af6c8): Artifacts.zip
  13. Currently, it is divided by 2 (half speed). Below are kexts that are divided by 3 and 4. Whatever you like, I will push it to the repo. VoodooPS2Controller-1.0.6-DEBUG (divided by 3).zip VoodooPS2Controller-1.0.6-DEBUG (divided by 4).zip For me, the battery drain is almost the same. Might be because there is an actual MT2 emulator instead of a standard mouse, which does not need a lot of processing. Also, if you are using the Debug version of the kext, it will affect the system and battery life too, as it creates logs every time a finger is on the trackpad. BTW: The kexts also have all the changes I did in the last few days, including Force Touch support. To enable Force Touch, one does need to set ALPSForceFT to 1 and ForceTouchMode to 2 (Info.plist of VoodooPS2Trackpad). In FingerMgmt, you should see the input getting bigger if you press hard. One could also confirm if the look-up feature works.
  14. If the trackpad gets detected, run IOReg and scroll down to PS2M and there should be an ALPS entry. Click on that and on the right side there should be 'ALPS Version'. Tell what is the value there. It would be better if you could send the IOReg and logs (run this command in Terminal: sudo dmesg > alps.log) to diagnose the issue
  15. Glad to hear that Thank you for testing! I pushed the fix to GitHub. In case you want to use the RELEASE version (c2abb87): Artifacts.zip
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