I have problem also with DW1820A, and have do guide from another post regarding DW1820.
My laptop is Latitude e7270 with Oralira Mojave, before using DW1820A, the card is DW1708 and can't work, and then I'm order DW1820A (CN-08PKF4).
Herewith the post result:
1. must mask the pin card, if doesn't masked it Mojave can not boot (always restarting)
2. masked the DW1820A pin and Mojave can boot normally.
3. AirportBrcmFixup.kext without boot option in clover brcmfx-drive=1, wifi is always getting ON and OFF.
4. AirportBrcmFixup.kext with brcmfx-driver=1, I'm can not turn the wifi ON.
any suggest for fix this problem?