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Posts posted by Jeepey

  1. Hello back, it's fine. I finally configured everything. 


    I have a triple boot (w10, ubuntu20 and Catalina 10.15.5)


    I plugged a WiFi USB adapter that I had in my mouse and it works. 


    Thank you a lot for your help. I put my keyboard on a French alt to get the same keyboard that with w10.and Ubuntu


    I remap 2 key of my keyboard for right click and left click of my mouse. 


    I have wifi, Bluetooth, my dock is working well too, I undervolt my CPU and under freq too (it is locked to 3.5ghz) because it was too hot before that I repasted the cpu. 


    I changed the thermal paste for a conductonaute from grizzly (now laptop is less than 75°C with stress test at 4.2ghz). At 3.5ghz, it runs at 50°C max so it's perfect


    I changed my SSDs for a 970pro nvme from Samsung and a msata 512gb from.samsung too (it is put in the Wlan free slot that I had)


    Windows is in a 250go part of my msata, Mac os too. Ubuntu is on an external ssd nvme usb-C


    My ssd is for my folder. My setup is perfect now. 


    Thank you a lot for your help. It was my first hackintosh



    Now I will do an hackintosh with the Samsung Galaxy book 12 with an i7 of my GF. 


    You helped me a lot. It's not that easy but it's ok now



  2. 1 hour ago, Jake Lo said:

    You never mention or add your system's full specs so not sure what you have.

    How can I do it ? 

    It's really my first try on hackintosh. Now it's stable (back from standby), my touchpad is working (not key but I used Karabiner so now it's working)

    But my CPU temperatures are really high (45 - 90) with 1.5ghz to 4ghz. On windows, I underplot it, so I have only 40-65°. 

    How could I switch my "apple keyboard" to a windows keyboard (I found to change my windows key to a cmd apple) but I don't know how to change some keys like "!" who is on my "8" tour instead of "_" for example. I have to change key by key ? 

    I have the exact same computer than in the Hervé tutorial. 

    i7 8650U

    SSD 512gb 


    1 hour ago, Hervé said:

    Look here too:

    Thank you for your help really. It's not really simple to help on a forum (because you have to write and you can't see my computer) but you tried your best and it's really kind 

    (sorry for my bad English ^^)

  3. Hello,

    that's it, i managed to install it.


    It wasn't easy but I did it. I will write exactly what I did. Like this, everyone can repeat it if needed. 

    So, firstly, I did a virtual machine with VMWare. (I did with virtual box first but I think that I lost a lot of time for nothing with it). I install a 10.15 Catalina. Not the 10.15.6. Before to start the installation, I disable SIP. Like this I don't have trouble with it later. To do it, just type this in Terminal: 

    csrutil disable

    When this was done, I downloaded an old version of Mojave. I downloaded the 10.14.4. And not the 10.14.6. I put my USB key 16GB in my USB port, makes it visible but the VM. To format the key in GUID partition scheme, I type. 

    diskutil partitionDisk /dev/disk# GPT JHFS+ "USB" 100%

    Afterwards, to build my Mojave 10.14.4 USB installer, I type : 

    sudo "/Applications/Install macOS Mojave.app/Contents/Resources/USB" --volume /Volumes/USB



    • I downloaded the "Clover_v2.4k_r4919.pkg.zip". Not the r5119 Version because it wasn't working. Clover didn't recognize the 10.14.4 installer (I don't know why)
    • I downloaded the "Clover_Configurator.zip" and the "7490_Mojave_Clover_Pack_#9.zip" from the "Hervé" tuto. 
    • I installed the clover r4919 on my USB key, (I had to go in security to accept the installation). 
    • I copied the 2 folders and the config in EFI/CLOVER on my USB EFI. 


    After that, my USB to install the macOS Mojave 10.14.4 was ready. I can turn off my VM. Now I start my Dell latitude and put well BIOS settings from the "Hervé Tuto" about it. My BIOS in ready, I can put my USB key in my computer.


    BUT WATCH OUT ! I can't do the install with every USB port. I can't explain why but, with the USB port on the right of my computer, it's not working. Same for the closer of the UCB type C port. If I do that, the boot for the installation after the clover menu block. 


    So now, that the USB key is ready and that I know what is the well USB port to use I can start the installation. 

    • I put the USB key in the right USB port (not on the right part of the computer, but on the left part, the farest USB port of the USB type-C port).
    • I choose "macOS install from ..." with the space key (before the 5sec cool down) I add -v and 0x... debug


    The installation start and everything go well. I'm now on the Mojave install. 

    • choose the 4th choose (editing Disk)
    • Formate the well Disk where you want to install Mac (choose macOS extension journaly with GUID schema)
    • quite it now
    • choose the 2nd choose (install macOS)


    Here we go, you can choose your settings and let it install. Your computer will reboot. You will be on the clover of your USB key and now you have 2 choose. 

    • choose your SSD (not the USB), I don't remember the name of my SSD but it was like continue the install ion or something like that


    Now you will install your macOS on your SSD. It's gonna be a little it long (like 20-30min). When it's finished, you will choose your settings and GG. Your Hackintosh Work. 

    You have an mackintosh in macOS 10.14.4. You will need to install clover on your SSD now. To do that :

    • download  the "Clover_v2.4k_r4919.pkg.zip". 
    • I downloaded the "Clover_Configurator.zip" and the "7490_Mojave_Clover_Pack_#9.zip" from the "Hervé" tuto. 
    • I installed the clover r4919 on my SSD, (I had to go in security to accept the installation). 
    • I copied the 2 folders and the config in EFI/CLOVER on my SSD EFI. 


    Reboot and your computer is fine. 

    How to go to a macOS Catalina 10.15.6 ?  I will explain what I did to go to the 10.15.6 Version. 

    1. Downloaded r5119 Clover from GitHub and "7490_Catalina_Clover_Pack_#3"
    2. Installed r5119 Clover on the SSD where macOS 10.14.4 is installed
    3. extract "7490_Catalina_Clover_Pack_#3" and copied 3 files in EFI/Clover of my SSD. 
    4. Downloaded macOS Catalina 10.15.6 from App Store
    5. Started the update from the updater of macOS.


    Issues that I have currently

    • trackpad not working every time (and when it works, I can't click with it but I can roll with 2 fingers)
    • The boot is long (more than 1min)
    • I have some visual issues (not a lot but in the search tool, I have like visual bug)
    • Wifi and bluetooth isn't working
    • 1 USB port isn't working

    Capture d’écran 2020-06-18 à 15.44.34.png

  4. 1 hour ago, Jake Lo said:

    Back to your Windows format, check if it's MBR. If it is, you'll need to convert it to GUID. I'm not sure if it's possible. I never had to do it before I had always install MacOS, then Windows.

    I removed windows completely. I just used an USB key with windows install on and I deleted all partition to get only 1 big partition unformated. 


    2 hours ago, Jake Lo said:

    If you're installing Catalina, make you have Clover v5107 at minimum.

    I have clover r5119 on my USB bootable macos key. 


    2 hours ago, Jake Lo said:

    When using the bootpack, make sure the contents of the zip are extracted into /EFI/Clover.

    I did exactly that 


    2 hours ago, Jake Lo said:

    Boot with -v debug=0x100 -igfxvesa

    If booted, continue using the same arg until installation is completed

    I will try it


    42 minutes ago, Hervé said:

    Erm... just for the sake of clarity, you didn't just copy the zipped Clover pack to your EFI/Clover folder did you? Instead, you unzipped it and copied/pasted the unzipped contents then removed the patched DSDT, right?

    What do you mean by that ? I opened the zip file, extract it on desktop. After that I copy/paste the config file and theses 2 folder (ASAP and KEXTS) in EFI/Clover. Witch one DSDT should I removed ? Where that are ? 


    45 minutes ago, Hervé said:

    If you're installing latest version of Catalina, i.e. 10.15.5, you may want to boot with -disablegfxfirmware boot arg. I had found it to be required when updating to 10.15.4 as stated here.


    Should I try to install macOS 10.15.5 or 10.14.6 ?Witch version is more stable and easier to install ? 


    Witch version of my bios should I put to install easier macOS ? 

  5. I did step by step the above tuto.


    I tried the tuto for Mojave 10.14.x with 10.14.6. I did exactly that : 

    1. I downloaded the dmg file from apple store (8gb)
    2. I format my USB key with that diskutil partitionDisk /dev/disk# GPT JHFS+ "USB" 100% 
    3. I install the dmg Mojave with this sudo "/Applications/Install macOS Mojave.app/Contents/Resources/createinstallmedia" --volume /Volumes/USB
    4. I install Clover r4919 (and I tried the r5093 and r5119) on my USB with exactly theses settings : "

      Clover for UEFI booting only

      Install Clover in the ESP

      UEFI Drivers















      Themes (optional)

      Install Clover Preference Pane (optional)" 

    5. I lunched Clover Configurator but the EFI part was already mount. 

    6. I cospy/past this : "7490_Mojave_Clover_Pack_#8.zip" in EFI/Clover

    7. I put my USB key on my computer and it's not working ... 


    I did the same for 10.15.x with the lastest version of Catalina. And no succes too ...
    I tried everything (with injected kextts, without injected kexts), change the version of Clover. 
    I put the good BIOS settings, I downgrade my BIOS version from 1.14 to 1.13.1. 
    I tried really everything but it's not working. I'm doing it for 17 hours now ...
    The latest version that I tried was the 10.14.6 version tuto. 
    I'm with a virtualbox macos 10.15.4 Catalina. 
    My usb is a 16gb 3.0 USB
    I have the exact same computer that in the tuto. 


    I took some pictures of my "errors" when I try : 

    • Normal settings (nothing changed, just -v as boot settings)
    • When I do with injected kexts
    • when I do without injected kexts.


    Please help me, I will tilt so much ...




  6. @Jake Lo

    Thank you for your answer. 


    1. I remove just the "DSDT.aml" and it's fine ? 
    2. My EFI part is 100MB so I have to extend it ? I need to have a 300MB EFI part because Windows need 100MB and Macos 200MB ? When you say " Make sure your drive is currently formatted to GUID." How can I be sure that my drive is formatted to GUID ? 
    3. It's done. I just don't want to broke my windows. 
    4. Do you have a tuto of that on this siteweb ? 






  7. Hello, I'm new on this website. I bought a dell latitude 7490 few days ago and I would like to do an hackintosh on it. I don't speak english very well and I would like help with my installation. 

    I found this tuto


    It is really good but I have some trouble. I would like to do a dualboot on my M.2 2280 512GB SATA SSD (in Key M slot) with windows 10 who is already install and Catalina 10.15.  My specs are exactly the same as those in the tuto.


    I don't know how to do a dualboot when I follow the tuto and what to do not lose my data and my windows 10 os. 


    So my questions are

    1. Do I need to downgrade my bios version (it's v1.14.0)
    2. Can I do a dualboot ? 
    3. Will I lose my data ? 
    4. To do the "well-known/well documented vanilla method", do I need to make the "boot USB key" with a virtual machine ? (I don't have a macbook at home)


    Thank you for your answers. 

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