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Posts posted by moshau

  1. Hello my dear friends.

    1 year ago, I had my last encounter with the dell 7480, I had problems with the MB.
    I managed to change it and again I am in the process of hackintosh.

    I wanted to ask you for help, install mac monterey, but I can't get all the hardware components to work.

    you help me? I currently opt for the "vanilla" image of olarila.
    I have the config.plist of them. I tried to load the last one that worked for me with Big Sur, but it gives me KP errors



    best regards

  2. Hello everyone.

    For reasons other than that, I had to reinstall mojave 10.14 on my latitude 7480.
    Most devices work, except the audio, I was checking and it must be from ACL256 ID> 21, that worked before reinstalling.

    I would like to know the steps to upgrade to Catalina or why not, to Big Sur, but I don't know how.

    Otherwise I stay with Mojave, hoping to have your help to activate the audio.



    I would like to know if I can update from olarila Catalina or big sur or should I do it from Apple?

    Where can I get the necessary and updated steps for my 7480?

    Thank you


  3. I've been working fine with Mojave 10.14.6, most devices work like:
    Wifi (intel with itlwm.kext & Heliport)
    LAN (Intel)
    USB ports

    They do not work:
    Brightness controls
    Micro SD reader
    I want to know what is the procedure to update to Big Sur, hoping that everything works without problem.
    What are the steps =?
    My configuration is based on Clover - Olarila


  4. Thanks Jake,


    I already managed to get most of the devices working, I already have a two-finger trackpad, wifi with itlwm and heliport.
    I stayed with Mojave for now.
    I had a small problem with the computer shutdown, it does not and I have to press the on / off button.

    Another thing, in olarila startup, I get 4 boot options.
    1. install with olarila pre-boot.
    2. install with SSD.
    3. Recovery from SSD.
    4. Normal boot from SSD.
    How can I remove them? leaving only REcovery and normal boot?

    Thanks a lot

    Best regards

  5. Hi Jake


    I´m stuck with this, I have been trying to install Catalina, but on Mojave with your Files, my config did not works, with trackpad and Wifi, 

    The Wifi is Intel, maybe I´m gona install Heliport or something like that, Do you Recommend it?


    And the final, what´re steps for a successfully upgrade to Catalina, Can I be use a olarila Catalina installer?





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