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  1. Thank you. Thank you for the hard work. You have made me a very happy man, today.
  2. Yes, thanks. Woooops! Well, that made a mess........ Entirely my own fault, I placed the kext in my Extra folder, ran the EDP to rebuild mKext, and rebooted. And spent the next hours re-installing OSX. Could not even boot single user. The problem was that after installing Lion, I ran multifail, wich went fine, but in combination with the kext's already residing in /Extra, running EDP wasn't such a great idea. Learned a lot though. The Kext did help though. Even with only a part of the booting proces completed, I didn't see the nasty dimming anymore. So it was the cure, now I only need to give it in a proper way. Not today, maybe tomorrow, or maybe I will just wait for EDP 2.0. Thanks for your help, Leon.
  3. Thank you! Uhm.. link doesn't seem to work. Server down. That would be great, any idea when 2.0 comes out? Need beta tester?
  4. Hi there, I'm looking for some help. I've tried to install Lion several way's, the easiest way with this method: http://tonycrapx86.blogspot.com/2011/07/xfail-multifail-install-os-x-107-lion.html ( btw, I updated from 10.6.7, not from 10.6.8, since 10.6.8. gives me problems with networking.) Smooth installation. But, (there is allway's one) whatever method I use, my screen brightness drops during boot time to approximately 60%. I can get it up to maybe 65% via the control panel, with the slider control up to max, but that's it. From searching the net I figure it has something to do with 32-bit drivers for the graphics card, but that is as far as I get with this. The rest seems to be working perfectly. Any hints in the right direction would be much appreciated.
  5. dustpuppy

    OSX 10.6.6

    Sir Leon, you are awesome. After updating to 10.6.6 I got kernel panics, and your solution did the trick. So thank you. very much. BTW, I have a d620 with intel graphics. Rien.
  6. I would be very happy with a working solution for the temperature problem. Nothing has worked so far, and man, this thing runs hot!
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