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Skvo last won the day on March 1 2014

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  1. https://forum.sierrawireless.com/viewtopic.php?f=117&t=8863&start=15#p37212
  2. Huawei ME906E - works in OS X. Specifications: http://consumer.huawei.com/en/solutions/m2m-solutions/products/tech-specs/me906e-en.htm HP lt4112 - it's re-branded Huawei ME906E. Manual for running Huawei ME906E in Yosemite. 1. Install Huawei Mobile Partner for OS X 10.10 Huawei_Mobile_Partner_23. Huawei Mobile Partner contains Huawei Data Card Driver and will install it automatically. 2. Install Legacy.kext for Huawei ME906E Legacy_Huawei_ME906E.kext.zip I did Legacy collaboration with the driver version Legacy support devices: Huawei ME906E - 0x12D1/0x1573 HP lt4112 - 0x03F0/0x581D 3. Reboot and use... Test screen my HP lt4112:
  3. Sierra Wireless QMI modules - works in OS X. I did Legacy collaboration with the driver CellPhoneHelper.kext Legacy_Sierra_QMI.kext for OS X 10.10.x Legacy_Sierra_QMI.kext.zip Legacy compatible: Sierra Wireless Generic QMI modules (VID=0x1199): Sierra Wireless MC8805 - mini PCI-Express, DC-HSPA+, up 42Mbps Sierra Wireless EM8805 - PCI-Express M.2, DC-HSPA+, up 42Mbps Sierra Wireless MC7304, МС7354, MC7305, MC7355, MC7330, MC7350 - mini PCI-Express, LTE, up 100Mbps Sierra Wireless EM7305, EM7355, EM7330 - PCI-Express M.2, LTE, up 150Mbps. Sierra Wireless MC7700, MC7710, MC7750 in QMI mode (pid 68A2) - mini PCI-Express, LTE, up 100Mbps Dell Wireless modules based on Sierra Generic QMI (VID=0x413C): Dell Wireless DW5570 (Sierra MC8805) Dell Wireless DW5570e (Sierra EM8805) Dell Wireless DW5808 (Sierra MC7355) Dell Wireless DW5808e (Sierra EM7355) Dell Wireless DW5809 (Sierra MC7305) Dell Wireless DW5809e (Sierra EM7305) For legacy use, Modem port must be enabled in configurations modules: example, USBCOMP = 6, or 8 Test screen my Sierra Wireless EM7305:
  4. Install a module in Acer V3-571g? If yes, then tape pin #51 on BCM94352HMB. Theory: http://www.pcisig.com/specifications/pciexpress/specifications/ECN-Second20Wireless20Disable20-2020100510.pdf Practice: Original article in your own language: https://applelife.ru/threads/broadcom-bcm94352hmb-novyj-flagman-sredi-kombomodulej-s-podderzhkoj-802-11ac.41855/page-3#post-445743
  5. Bought AzureWave AW-CE123H (bcm94352hmb), was a new version (VID=13d3, PID=3411) BTFirmwareUploader v2.4 - does not recognize the module. Added values ​​manually - everything was working without any problem .. EMlyDinEsH, add new ID in the next version kext. Thank you... P.S: In the first post wrong. Identifiers confused. In the quotation highlighted in red:
  6. My patch (30 6B 10 00 00 75 0D - > 30 6B 10 00 00 90 90) works in 10.9.1 and 10.9.2. I use it without problems.. I do not like your patch A sequence of numbers (30 6B 10 00 00 75 0D) occurs in binaries - once. Just need to fix it. A sequence of numbers (30 6B 10 00 00 75) occurs in binaries - 18 times. Of these, only one place you need to fix, and in the remaining 17 places not to touch. If you want to be beautiful and versatile - add another byte: (30 6B 10 00 00 75 0D - > 30 6B 10 00 00 74 0D)
  7. I have a similar patch ... Last summer, it did: http://www.insanelymac.com/forum/topic/289922-anyone-got-any-pci-e-bcm4360-wifi-ac-card-going-new-macbook-air-owner-wanted/?do=findComment&comment=1926100
  8. I can make a binary patch driver. I do not have Azureware AW-CE123H, so beta testers needed. To begin, make a full report using DarwinDumper: https://bitbucket.org/blackosx/darwindumper/downloads Update: I made ​​a binary patch for the activation of a range of 5GHz on Broadcom BCM94352HMB. Test my patch: http://www.tonycrapx86.com/network/104850-guide-airport-pcie-half-mini-v2-25.html#post772083
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