Today i retry a new installation with Clover. I took a standard config.plist and your DSDT.
Actually I have a dualboot UEFI with Windows 8.1 and Yosemite, great.
I took the config.plist in Post #12, I put VoodooPS2, FakeSMC and NullCPUPowerManagement in kext clover folder, I also put with kextwizard AppleIntelE1000e and AppleHDAALC in S/L/E.
So, in "System Report", I can see Audio, Camera, Card Reader, DVD, Ethernet, SD Card, TRIM and USB 3.0, it's great !
About wifi/bluetooth, tonight or tomorrow i will try this method : http://www.insanelymac.com/forum/topic/292542-airport-pcie-half-mini/
And also add Sleep in S/L/E.
About HD4600, i have some jerk in Launchpad and in Desktop but not in boot (with the last config.plist). There is a lot of article about this graphic card, i try some tips with Clover but it's always the same.
Do i need to take my owm DSDT and patch it like the DSDT i use actually to resolve it?
Thanks, bye