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  1. Sorry, i updated my system specification on original post.
  2. Here is the IO Reg file. I am not able to do screen mirroring or airdrop. Can you please help. Also if the boot can speed up. IO Reg 2.zip
  3. sorry, new to hackintosh, dont know how to get these files. please guide.
  4. here is the efi with intel/BT kext removed. removed kext are as listed below AirportItlwm.kext IntelBluetoothFirmware.kext 7390 2 in 1 oc 0.8.6.zip
  5. I got 7390 2-in-1 working EFI Ventura 13.0.1 Latitude 7390 2 in 1: BIOS 1.26.0, Core i7-8650U @1.90GHz, 16GB DDR3-2133, Intel UHD 620, 1920x1080 Touch I used the EFI from below, thanks to Jazzo for sharing it. https://osxlatitude.com/forums/topic/17665-dell-7490-usb-c-not-working/#comment-116358 and copied thunderbolt kext and supporting SSDT and drivers from below thanks to Baio77 https://osxlatitude.com/forums/topic/17459-dell-5290-2-in-1-post-installation-issues-with-oc-083/page/2/#comment-115539 I have thunderbolt dell docking working for display only with keyboard, touchpad and touchpad buttons working. this is my first post, so sorry for any error and if i did not followed forum rules. Moderator, please accommodate and guide me to right direction. I am unable to load my EFI due to attachment file size limit.
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