I got 7390 2-in-1 working EFI Ventura 13.0.1
Latitude 7390 2 in 1: BIOS 1.26.0, Core i7-8650U @1.90GHz, 16GB DDR3-2133, Intel UHD 620, 1920x1080 Touch
I used the EFI from below, thanks to Jazzo for sharing it.
and copied thunderbolt kext and supporting SSDT and drivers from below thanks to Baio77
I have thunderbolt dell docking working for display only with keyboard, touchpad and touchpad buttons working.
this is my first post, so sorry for any error and if i did not followed forum rules. Moderator, please accommodate and guide me to right direction.
I am unable to load my EFI due to attachment file size limit.