Desperately trying to make it work for a few hours with no luck, so much time has been wasted
I use BCM94352HMB with AzureWare CE123H bluetooth, pid 0x3404 vid 0x13d3, chipset 20702A3, on Yosemite 10.10.1.
The kext seems to have found the BT adapter, saying
14/12/4 16:53:24.000 kernel[0]: BTFirmwareUploader :: Broadcom Bluetooth hardware found
but apparently does not upload the firmware at all, with no log related to firmware uploading in system log...
If I reboot from Windows, bluetooth works flawlessly with FW version v14c57xx ( didn't remember it clearly ), but after sleep or cold boot, bluetooth cannot find and connect any devices with FW version v14c4096
Tested v2.3 and v2.6 of the kext, with Firmware=3 or 0, DeviceSpecificFW=YES or NO, none of the configs work.
In order to make handoff work, I replaced IOBluetoothFamily.kext with a patched version from 10.10, it doesn't affect the FW uploading thing I suppose...
Pls fix the bug soon, I'd appreciate it very much.
Or pls tell me more about Firmware parameter in v2.3, cuz I can't find the information on this thread any more and it might help.
Thanks for your hard work anyway!