First I'm sorry, but I don"t speak (write) English well.
I have a little problem with my D630.
My D630 have Intel 4965Wlan card, so i change it this card: http://www.ebay.com/itm/APPLE-AR5BXB72-AR5008-802-11N-Wireless-WiFi-Mini-PCI-E-/280606658113?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item415575ce41
The SL 10.6.8. works very well, with the EDP 1.9, but the AR5BXB72 AR5008 ([168c:0024] (rev 01)] Wifi card is not working.
I try many IO80211Family.kext (with the correct id-s pci168c,24), and many IOPCIFamily.kext, but not working.
The card works wery well in Windows, but OSx the WIFI Led not lightning or blinking.
So please help me guys!
Thank you!