Ok, i decided to get osx onto my aging d630 and found lots of try this without much joy.
Currently, im using your d620slv method with commercial 10.6.3 purchased dvd.
System boots, starts to install but then hangs with the apple logo and a spinning wheel.
D630, A17 bios, 4gb ram, intel graphics nothing remarkable.
Have tried a method using a pc universal install 3.5 from usb drive, iboot (chameleon, stolen and rebranded) loader. Hangs with a apple background image - mouse moves but nothing to action.
How do i get a 10.6.0 vanilla ?
Does the d430 image apply to me ?
Dont have acces to a mac, as i wouldnt bother with this if i did ?
If this works, will it support iworks etc ?
Any help appreciated.