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  1. Will a T7700 work? Or it has to be a even series?
  2. For example, will this processor work? It is less than half the price of the T7200's I am finding.
  3. I am considering doing this. It is the only other upgrade (with the exception of an SSD, whish is too expensive at the moment) for my D620. My computer has the same stock CPU that the OP did. My question is what is the difference in all of the C2D processors on Ebay. Will any of them work or should I be looking for the T7200 specifically?
  4. I am afraid I cannot help you with your 1.9 issues. It is working for me, but I am not using the speedstep (slowed my computer down and was just twitchy) and I am not use the sleepenabler or nullcpupower because they cause kernel panics when booting my 10.6.8 partition. Had no problems with keyboard or trackpad though, they both work. As does my wifi, but I rebranded my broadcom card. In regards to your dual boot issues, I had the same problem (I triple-boot OSX, Seven, and Ubuntu). I would suggest you follow the directions below to repair your windows, I am assuming that you are running a GPT partition table. Boot with the Win 7 DVD to fix the Windows boot. Start the command line by starting Windows “repairâ€. The command line can also be invoked with Shift-Fn-F10. “Diskpart.exe†“select disk 0â€, i.e. the HDD. “Select partition 3†“active†“exit†I closed the command line window and continued “Repair†the Windows installation. I rebooted and Windows started normally. Reboot the Win 7 DVD media again to fix the chameleon boot. Invoke the command line by starting Windows “Repairâ€. The command line can also be started with Shift-Fn-F10. You can also do this part from within Windows and not have to reboot to the installation DVD by using the "Run" command and typing "cmd". “Diskpart.exe†“select disk 0â€, i.e. the HDD. “select partition 2â€, i.e. the “Cider†partition set aside for OSX. “active†“quit†Afterwards the chameleon menu re-appeared and offered Windows 7, Ubuntu and OSX. I verified that each OS booted normally from chameleon. Booting Ubuntu started Grub. Grub also offered all 3 OS's. When building my machine I followed these instructions and they worked perfectly. The only thing I did in addition was to add another partition for all of my data that is available to all OSes.
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