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  1. Thanks Bronxteck. Actually, your first suggestion contained the solution to the problem. I just didn't initially understand what you were telling me. I found the networking.plist (which was called something else that I don't remember now) you were talking about and removed it. That solved the problem. Of course, while dealing with the frustration of finding a solution to this. I managed to get 10.7.2 working, which I hadn't been able to do before. Sheer stubbornness this time. When THAT didn't fix the problem, I wanted to break something. Fortunately I ran across the plist you mentioned in a search. So, in summary, thanks for the help! Next time I'll pay better attention.
  2. Bronxteck: Thanks for the help. So I checked for EthernetBuiltIn=Yes in the org.chameleon.boot.plist and it was there. I then deleted all networks, but I don't seem to have a networking plist, so I removed the IOFamilyNetworking.kext from my Extensions.mkext file. That actually solved some other issues I was having (like a new Ethernet device being created whenever I rebooted) but I am still having the App Store issue. Am I missing something?
  3. I recently updated my SL 10.6.8 install with EDP 1.9 and it fixed pretty much everything. Truly awesome! One problem I seem to have developed though, is that the App Store has stopped working. When I try to install or update from the App Store, I get this message: 'Your device or computer could not be verified. Contact support for assistance.' This is new. It was working. Any ideas?
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