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  1. I've had the same problem, thought it was my bios being on A11. Good to hear im not the only one.
  2. yeah I did that, it just hangs or ends up skipping the usb stick and going straight to chameleon
  3. I can't get freedos + unetbootin to work. I formatted my usb drive with MBR + 1gb partition and installed freedos on it but it doesn't boot to a cmd prompt or anything.
  4. Ah im on a11 what is the easiest way to update the bios and can i do it without having to rebuild SL?
  5. Can't seem to get sleep or reboot or shutdown to actually work. Followed the instructions at http://www.osxlatitude.com/getting-sleep-to-work-on-your-dell/ no joy.
  6. I did get it to boot up by removing everything under /Extra i just rm -drf'd the directory however, when i started back up the keyboard and trackpad didn't work so I went back to the Dell D620/630/830 ktext pack without sleepenabler.
  7. Didn't work... http://cl.ly/2S3T233p3E0u3p283H3e
  8. I managed to get SL 10.6.7 installed and bootable using the package from http://osx86.co/f57/dell-d620-630-830-kext-pack-t3840/ after 10.6.7 installed i had to remove sleepenabler.ktext or it kernel panics. I'm trying EDP 1.9.1 now to see if it works with 10.6.7
  9. Install works fine and booting from the HD after the install works fine when using the thumb drive installer however it fails when booting straight from the hard drive. I installed Chameleon via EDP 1.9.1 and then the ktexts for 630 nvidia reboot and I get a KP on FakeSMC calling IOATAFamily.ktext It also kps after EDP when using the thumb drive to boot the hard drive. My dell is actually a d630c if that makes any difference.
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