Hi all,
I'm trying to install Lion 10.7.0 with the myHack method and simonoff's extra folder but I have some problems...
My system is a D630 with :
- Intel Core2 Duo T7500 2,20GHz processor
- Intel GMA965/X3100 graphics.
After first boot, I tried to restore the simonoff's extra folder with myhack whithout results...for this reason, I've install EDP 2.2 package but now...
- I have only 1024x768 resolution
- Internal keyboard, sound buttons and mouse not working (I'm using externals keyboard and mouse).
¿Have I selected the wrong options in the EDP 2.2? what are the correct settings for my model in the wizard?
WIFI, bluetooth, battery icon and sound works...
How I can install GMAX3100 with 1440x900 high resolution and set internals mouse and keyboard and sounds buttons?
Thank you very much!