Hey guys, I am having some issues getting Snow Leopeard installed on my Dell Latitude D620, Intel GMA950 graphics (1280x800)
I've tried everything and I am following the guide but I keep getting a kernel panic every time I reboot after setting up OS X and running EDP.
What I am doing:
1 - Create myhack USB key with Snow Leopard Retail Disc mounted DMG (legit copy)
2 - Install "EXTRA" for my laptop and SL in myhack "use my own"
3 - I boot the Mac with USB key and I am able to install SL. However, the following DOES NOT happen at the end of the install:
After the installation is done, myHack will prompt a few questions.
It will ask if you want to install the Generic Extra & Extensions or if you would like to supply your own. Choose ‘supply your own’ and then choose the Extra folder from your myHack installation USB. It will ask if you want to remove problematic extensions, choose 3 times yes. Now finish the installation and reboot.
4 - Instead of the above happening, the mac reboots and I select the freshly installed HD from the Chameleon bootloader screen.
5 - Snow Leopard Boots and I setup my user account, wi-fi, etc.
6 - I download the 10.6.8 combo update and install it
7 - I doanload EDP 5.2 and Build for my model
8 - I reboot the mac and then I get a KERNEL panic during the OS loading screen and after chameleon
I have tried this EVERY SINGLE way and everytime I get a KERNEL panic after I setup the computer, run EDP, and reboot.
Please help!