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  1. I did the -v -f on startup after installing edp 2.2 and running edptool Will not boot again. Chose 1 for apple trackpad/keyboard, installed sleepenabler, did not choose speedstep. What info do you need from the script. Looks like it errored on the voodooHDA. Is there anyway to install extra folder from backup? AHHHHH!
  2. Sorry for all the replies. I did manage to install the VoodooHDA for audio to get that working then did a rebuild using the kext wizard. I don't understand a whole lot about the mach_kernel -v -f stuff. Can you elaborate on this?
  3. Laptop specs are Dell D630 with Intel x3100, BIOS 12, Installed via MYHACK USB. I don't know what else you need.
  4. I forgot to add that I installed Lion 10.7 from USB.
  5. My issue is with the right bootloader and kexts. I have tried both edp 2.1 and 2.2 chameleon installs and my system will not boot after either of them. My keyboard works fine but the trackpad does not. I install the kexts and system will not boot after them as well. Help?
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