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  1. Thanks. I actually did copy the Apple Intel files back to S/L/E, and it magically worked! I will try your method if it wonks out on me, though. I now have a working 10.8.3 installation. I think the only thing I am missing now is sleep (mine and my laptop's). When I choose Sleep from the menu, the display shuts off but the fan keeps spinning, and it will not wake back up. I have the kexts supplied in the OP installed properly, I think. Any suggestions?
  2. Thanks. I do this after copying the intelhd kexts to /s/l/e?
  3. So, after much trial and error, I finally got Mountain Lion working using the iat kos ML3 installer instead of Uni-Beast. Just installed with default patches and no sound or networking, and the Intel graphics disabler. I then applied most of the kexts in the OP of this thread. The last thing I need to get working is HD4000. I now have full resolution via Chameleon Wizard, but do not know exactly how to enable HD4000, as it was not installed originally. I think i can get figure it out but any help is appreciated. Thanks.
  4. I am at wit's end. I used App Store Mavericks and unifail, booted from it in verbose mode with various boot flags, like pcirootuid=0, -x, - f, and a few others, and still same results. last few lines are something like: AGPM Controller -unknown platform and unknown cpu model 0x3a dsmos has arrived Any suggestions are appreciated. Is it possible that my board is different? I think I have i3 3227 and hd4000
  5. Still getting black screen when booting installer. I used ifail and App Store Mavericks, tried selecting and not selecting "laptop support", same results. Plug in USB, select boot -v, and it blacks out after saying dsmos has arrived and something about bluetooth. Any help is appreciated.
  6. I am having the same problem. Clean ifail install with Mavericks onto a usb stick, then when I boot up I get the apple logo followed by a black screen. Do not know how to proceed. Made changes to BIOS as outlined in OP. I am new at this. Any help is greatly appreciated! Thanks.
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