Ok, so I've made it to the installation now and first reboot.
Here is what I did to get it working...have a few other issues now, please see below if you can help:
1) Create myhack USB bootable disk.
2) Download/Install chimera (chameleon, stolen and rebranded) (chameleon, stolen and rebranded) onto the bootable disk, this has IGPEnabler=Yes support by default for the HD2500 graphics card.
3) Download the natit.kext files, as well as the Intel graphics kext from this link: http://www.insanelymac.com/forum/topic/286092-guide-1st-generation-intel-hd-graphics-qeci/
Extract those and put them in the Extra Extensions folder on the USB disk. Run a myfix on the disk. It should then add/update those new kext files to support booting and the graphics card.
4) Boot from the disk, boot switch: IGPEnabler=Yes -v
It should load the natit and find the graphics card, as the display will show, and boot to the installer screen.
5) Install normal from this point forward.
6) Upon reboot, no more working video. So I did a GraphicsEnabler=No -v -f -x and rebooted.
7) Reboot successful to setup screen and get to desktop.
Now the computer will go to sleep and won't come out of that mode via keyboard.
Otherwise, NIC working, the OS X things the video is now a HD4000 Intel.
Put boot commands for kernel in startup file and working through sleep mode/myhack kext issues.