I had the same problem as you and I logically renamed it mac_kernel.
I manage making 10.9 working on my ASUS N550JV thanks to amokk
As he mentionned to me we must be carrefull until the power problem is not solved. The heat increased so fast in my laptop with the cpus always at 100%.
I recommend 10 min maximum on OS X for testing, installing kext or to try to solve this issue and then turn off the laptop or switch OS.
I am a noob in hackintoshing but I read a lot the past few days and I'll try to help here for making this laptop fully working.
I succeed making my usb stick thanks to Izoman guide.
His first step is simple :
Make a usb stick using option 2 of this guide. Then move mach_kernel to the root of your usb stick and rename it mac_kernel.
I manage now booting on these OS all EFI-compatible on my SSD : Win 8.1, Ubuntu 13.10, Archlinux, OS X 10.9 : so cool !!
NB : I replaced the wifi card when I bought my laptop with a better one : an Intel Network 6235AN.HMWWB. Also not compatible with OS X. If I knew I'd try hackintoshing 2 month later... I should have bought a Broadcomm compatible one instead...