Hi Guys,
Some updates here. I've tried every combination (forum.osxlatitude.com/index.php?/topic/2945-guide-for-enabling-vga-and-hdmi-in-intel-hd4000-gpu/) for enabling VGA. I used a three connector setup and tried all the 0602 combinations (alter kext, rebuild, reboot, detect) until my fingers bled, but alas to no avail. Ended up ordering a mini-HDMI to VGA. Still this one itches, so I will look into it during the holidays.
The Atheros 9280 arrived the other day. Work out of the box. I have excellent throughput, so I have the right antenna order. The old one/two ended up on the one/two on the Atheros. Third one was put aside with a piece of tape.
I also have the WWAN DW5560. Ended up with three USB modems detected, but no WWAN. The DW5520 howto was not helping me out either. Anyone any pointers on that one? Or do I need to order another WWAN module.