I have install the Vanilla IOBluetoothFamily.kext and BTFirmwareUploader.kext(BTFirmwareUploader#2.1Test.zip).
here's my system log and IOReg SysLog & IOReg.zip
The log should include two boot info, the first boot load BTFirmwareUploader.kext(v1.5) and patched IOBluetoothFamily.kext(this version works fine), then I install the vanilla IOBluetoothFamily.kext and BTFirmwareUploader.kext(BTFirmwareUploader#2.1Test.zip) by Kext Utility(v2.5.6), and shutdown my PC(if I reboot the PC, the bluetooth works fine).
Then I boot my PC again, the bluetooth can be recognized by OS, but it still can't work. It recognized my magic mouse, it shows that the mouse have been paired, but the mouse can't work, I turn off the mouse and turn on again, the bluetooth can pair with the mouse no longer.
BTFirmwareUploader.kext(v1.5) just work fine, but it needs patch the IOBluetoothFamily.kext.
I don't have the other version BTFirmwareUploader, like v2.0, so I haven't tested it.
Thanks again !