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  1. Ok, but my original DSDT have method SLKB and method GLKB. However the patches are for replacing methods SKBL and GKBL. So what do I have to do? If I run the patch as it is it will just preserve the body for SLKB/GLKB and also add SKBL/GKBL. I tried also with all 4 methods and no result, then I tried with all four methods but I've replaced the original SLKB/GLKB body with the code from SKBL/GKBL and still nothing. So I've tried all combinations for DSDT, but no results regarding my backlight when pressing Fn+F3 and Fn+F4. Maybe not the right keys or scan codes being generated? Anyway... By accident I've discovered that Shift+F5 activated voice over mode Then I discovered that Shift+CapsLock or just Shift can be a replacement for Fn, and after pressing Shift+F2 = dimmer (it tells me in voice mode and display the text on display, but no change in screen brightness) Shift + F3 = brighter (it tells me in voice mode and display the text on display, but no change in screen brightness) Shift+caps lock + F5 = dimmer (it tells me in voice mode and display the text on display, but no change in screen brightness) Shift + caps lock +F6 = brighter (it tells me in voice mode and display the text on display, but no change in screen brightness) Shift + caps lock +F8 = mirror display My real Fn key is doing nothing. Shift+Caps Lock +F3/F4 also not working despite Shift+Caps+F5/F6 reacting in Voice Mode. Above are things that MacOS are telling me they should happen, but there is no physical display brightness dimming when doing so.
  2. @jona001mn : I think for you there is no Method _Q0E instead it could be called Method (_Q11, 0, NotSerialized) with ^^^^ATKD.IANE (Add (Local0, 0x20)) Or, instead of _Q0E it could be Method (_Q1E, 0, NotSerialized) with ^^^^ATKD.IANE (0x50) @Todpik: I think I'm doing some sort of basic mistake, I either don't know what kext I need or I have some function name manglings in DSDT. I still don't understand if I need all or only some of: Fn Hotkey Driver for Asus Notebooks Display backlight Driver for Asus Notebooks Elan Touchpad Driver (Mac OS X)
  3. Uploaded again in my post above my DSDT. I think previous version was patched by mistake. Also tried Todpik kexts (both of them are installed) and his modified DSDT for me. By looking at it, there are only the SKBL and GKBL added. Tested anyway, not working. Fn + F3 and Fn+F4 not working.
  4. Hi there. Me back again, with same issues, nothing is working. To start presenting my problem, again: laptop is a 17 inches Asus G750JW, it has a Nvidia card (765m) only, there is no Intel integrated and the keyboard is a full keyboard with numeric keys on the right and also with backlight (keys are illuminated - should be F3/F4). Looking at the patches, I decided to try: KeyboardBacklight_Patch (Haswell).txt After applying the above patch, now I have the original functions untouched (SLKB and GLKB) but also the new functions introduced by the patch (SKBL and GKBL). Also, right after compiling noticed that I had an error, it was missing B0FF, so I added it manually (found its definition in KeyboardBacklight_16Levels_Patch (Haswell).txt ). Fixed the error and saved the new DSDT and booted again. Fn+F3 and Fn+F4 still not working! I'm on v2.3 right now, I saw somewhere that the kext should have an entry like: "Enable Asus KBacklight" to Yes for enabling keyboard backlight controls in F3 and F4 by default. " Is the above still relevant? Right now I have F3KeyFunction=0 and F4KeyFunction=0 in plist. When I was on v.2.2 at least I was getting some: "AsusNBFnKeys: Keyboard backlight method not found" when pressing Fn+F3 or F4. Also tried brightness Fn keys patch: added method _Q0E and _Q0F and no result, Fn+F5 and Fn+F6 did nothing. When I was on v.2.2 at least I was getting some: "AsusNBFnKeys: Asus Backlight device not Found" when pressing Fn+F5 or F6. Also tested Fn+C, Fn+V and Fn+Space, those seems to work out of the box with no patching and sudo dmesg gives me: FN+Space: Dispatched Key: 0x42 ( 66) first press FN+C: Dispatched Key: 0x34 ( 52) second press FN+C: Dispatched Key: 0x57 ( 87) first press FN+V: Dispatched Key: 0x40 ( 64) second press FN+V: Dispatched Key: 0x56 ( 86) I thought this should have worked only for compact keyboard, but I have a full keyboard (with numeric keys on right). Could this be an issue? Attached is my clean DSDT (no patches related to Asus Fn Keys applied): Any help please? Thanks in advance! DSDT with battery fix.aml.zip
  5. I've attached a zip with my patched DSDT.aml that is not working as expected. There is also "DSDT with battery fix.aml" which contains my base DSDT but with battery patches applied so I can see my battery level. So it is like: DSDT with battery fix.aml + KeyboardBacklight_Patch (Haswell).txt + BrightnessKeys_Patch.txt = DSDT.aml Hope I explained well. Thanks in advance! patched.zip
  6. Hi! Installed latest kext on my Asus G750JW and keyboard backlight (Fn+F3/F4) and screen backlight(Fn+F5/F6) (and also Fn+F2 - wireless key) not working. Asus Notebooks Fn Keys v2.2 Final Copyright (c) 2012-2014 EMlyDinEsH (OSXLatitude). AsusNBFnKeys: Found Asus WMI Device ATKD AsusNBFnKeys: Keyboard backlight method not found AsusNBFnKeys: Fn Hotkey events Enabled For keyboard backlight first, I went for one of the patches, noticed it was removing and inserting a new body for SKBL method. But I had no method with that name, instead I had SLKB. And no GKBL but GLKB. I assumed those were the methods I was looking for so I edited the patch to suit my names. Also while reading the patch found a line like: ^^PCI0.LPCB.EC0.WRAM (0x04B1, Local1) but I replaced it with ^^PCI0.LPCB.EC0.WRAM (0x044B, Local1) because the original SLKB method had 0x44B and not 0x4B1. To make the story short, it won't work. Fn+F3/F4/F5/F6 are giving me: AsusNBFnKeys: Asus Backlight device not Found AsusNBFnKeys: Keyboard backlight method not found P.S. Also did the patches for screenbrightness, the ones with Method (_Q0E, 0, NotSerialized) and the other one, but like said, not working. Help!?!?!
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