I tried @sontrg 2014-02-18 and 2014-02-19 but they didn´t work on my N5110. This is a bit strange since @ahmad had success on a N5110.
I tried to put them on S/L/E and E/E (removing the old versions 1st), recreated the cache, removed my DSDTs and started without caches, but not success so far.
@ahmad, are you running Mavericks? And have you changed you BIOS to some mod one?
I found also this version: http://www.insanelymac.com/forum/topic/271573-guide-dell-inspiron-n5110/?p=1767733 which is working also. (VoodooPS2Controller.kext.zip from the post and not the one inside the post install folder).
Thanks guys.