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  1. Thank you for all the help and information. I hope the driver comes out soon.
  2. Hi, sontrg. I uploaded my log and IOreg file along with this post. Thank you for the help again. dmesg_IOreg_cjin5.zip
  3. Hi, sontrg. Sorry for not being more specific. I edited and patched my DSDT and I am currently using Rehabman's Voodoo -2014-0121 version. I can only have the basic function of a trackpad (no drag and drop). Then, I installed a patched ApplePS2Controller.kext (I included the kext along with this post) to get drag and drop working and trackpad recognized by Apple trackpad prefpane. I tried different kext from this thread, but they offered similar results Rehabman's Voodoo -2014-0121 version (Only basic trackpad function was working, I needed to include ApplePS2Controller to get drag working). I also included my IOreg file as an attachment. Thank you for the help again. IOreg_and_ApplePS2Controller.zip
  4. Ahmad, thank you for the suggestion. I tried different kexts from the this thread, but none of them worked. I was thinking maybe my Alps version is not compatible?
  5. I tried the command lines and I got these messages: cjs-macbook-air:~ cj$ kextstat | grep rehabman 98 0 0xffffff7f81d46000 0xb000 0xb000 org.rehabman.voodoo.driver.PS2Controller (1.8.11) <10 7 5 4 3 1> cjs-macbook-air:~ cj$ cat /var/log/system.log | grep ALPS cjs-macbook-air:~ cj$ after input 'cat /var/log/system.log | grep ALPS', I did not get any message. I just installed the VoodooPS2Controller.kext, So I need to install PS2Trackpad.kext also? Thanks again.
  6. Hi, thank you for the reply. I tried the command line you suggested, the terminal just asked for the password and when I typed in my password, nothing happened just like below: cjs-macbook-air:~ cj$ sudo dmesg | grep ALPS Password: cjs-macbook-air:~ cj$
  7. Hi, I have an ALPS V8.100.1611.210 trackpad from Lenovo Z510. I got the dragging function working. I wonder if it is possible to get the multi touch working for my trackpad? Thank you.
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