Thank you! Finally got the installer, and was able to finalized installation...
Still on 10.10, had to copy the Extra dir, and Haswell kernel back onto the OSX installed drive, right after the install.
Put the "Bootscreen fix" as outlined in the http://forum.osxlati...-guide/?p=45213 was in the Extra dir, but finalized it with Kext Wizard into /S/L/E...
Got OSX installed, and it boots to the desktop ok, but this is what I have observed, and dunno if it's that is expected...
After selecting in Chameleon the boot partition, and seeing the Apple logo & white background, screen goes black for like 28 sec, the oly thing lit is the drive icon, and after that, then screen comes back with the Apple logo/white screen with the status bar in black...then status bar changes right away to white color, and I see some vertical lines at the top of the screen...(see top of 100_2571.JPG image, there are like 8 vertical greenish lines).
These lines dissappear when OSX gets to login screen, and desktop. Haven't used the system system to see if any other graphic glitches creep out during regular usage. But overall, looks pretty good! Most of the functionality, is there as pointed out in the guide!
BTW, system only has OSX in GUID...created a partition for Linux...(/dev/disk02s4). Reformatted it in gparted as ext4, set that partition flag to boot. Tried installing Ubuntu 14.04, and installed GRUB in disk0s4. I was under the assumption that Chameleon would see it and offer it as an option to boot, but it wasn't the case...