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Everything posted by hirion
Problem solved! Thanks Hervé!!
Hi Everyone, after years of impeccable work (thanks to the OSX Lattitude Forum) my Dell D830 gave up. I bought an M4400 and I have some problems with it, for which I need avdise. The specifications of the laptop: Intel P8700 4GB RAM, NVIDIA FX 770M, Mavericks 10.9.5 installed. System report says its processor is 1,6 GHz instead of 2,5 GHz. I updated Chameleon, Nullcpupowermanagement kext, etc., but it didn't help. I didn't make a DSDT.aml, I use one that I found on this forum, and I noticed that at every time I start the laptop, it makes an "NVRAM" note in the Extra folder. Thank you for your help in advance,
Hi nemxwasp, Sorry, I haven't been on the forum for a while... It is too difficult to install Yosemite to T5500 and it cannot be updated, I have changed my PC for T3500 since I posted to this forum. X58 chipset is more compatible with Yosemite.
Install : ( Chameleon method + Use Kernel Cashe=No) Mavericks: I have updated to 10.9.5 successfully, only I have to rollback SAS drivers from 10.9.1. Apple has changed in 10.9.2 and it was the problem of "still waiting for root device". (AppleACPIPlatform.kext - AppleAHCIPort.kext - IOAHCIFamily.kext- IOPCIFamily.kext. These must be overwritten) Yosemite: I installed Yosemite, copied 10.9.1 AHCI kexts, but the mouse and the keyboard didn't work, so I copied the USB kexts (5 pieces) from Mavericks. Works this way. But: I cant update it 10.10.1, because then I cannot run it.
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Mavericks: I have updated to 10.9.5 successfully, only I have to rollback SAS drivers from 10.9.1. Apple has changed in 10.9.2 and it was the problem of "still waiting for root device". (AppleACPIPlatform.kext - AppleAHCIPort.kext - IOAHCIFamily.kext- IOPCIFamily.kext. These must be overwritten) Yosemite: I installed Yosemite, copied 10.9.1 AHCI kexts, but the mouse and the keyboard didn't work, so I copied the USB kexts (5 pieces) from Mavericks. Works this way. But: I cant update it, because then I cannot run it.
Work with : 10.9.1 AppleACPIPlatform.kext - AppleAHCIPort.kext - IOAHCIFamily.kext- IOPCIFamily.kext + 5 USB kexts
There are 3 possible ways in BIOS: Raid Autodetect/AHCI Raid Autodetect/ATA Raid On The Raid Autodetect/AHCI is chosen.
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Dual CPU: http://www.root86.com/topic/6962-hp-z600-x5650-installation/ Same chipset. Installation : No use Kernel Cache!! My plist:
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Hi Arthur, I also have a T5500, but with only 1 cpu. Which bootloader are you trying? Do you want Yosemite anyway? I have 10.9.5 Mavericks and a Yosemite I cannot update. It seems to me that to install Yosemite is much harder than Mavericks. I'll gladly help you if I can. Hi, lanyo
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You're right, these are the details: my T5500 specifications: A16 BIOS (I updated), 1 x e5503 Xeon processor, 4 GB RAM, XFX Nvidia 250 GTS graphic card, SATA 250 GB HDD Install faults: with Clover Yosemite install the installer load in, but disc utility doesn't recognize the HDD, in system info it writes INTEL ICH 10 AHCI 1.20 supported, but the device is "unknown". Native command quering: no, Detachable drive: no. I tried to make a DSDT.aml (I'm not sure in the process and I'm not sure I could do it properly), but the installer sent a failure message that it couldn't find ACPI driver. Chameleon Mavericks install myHack method in verbose mode listed too many processor cores (sixty-something). Instead of GUI loading in I got a black screen. I have tried without graphic enabler, but the result was the same. When I put DSDT.aml to the Extra library, - despite the fact that the path was written in - it sent a message that it didn't find ACPI table and at the end of the process the black screen came again. Interesting tough that with myHack 1.1.4 installer I could install Snow without any problem (it is true, that it doesn't work smoothly, because it is hard to find kexts for the devices). But, of course Snow wouldn't solve my problem because I would like to install Mavericks or Yosemite because of the applications. Thanks for any help, Lanyo
A few days ago I installed OSX Yosemite with Clover to a Dell Precision T3500 Workstation. It works fine (I've found the installation guide on this forum). But there is a T5500 Dell to which I cannot install OSX. I've found posts on Hackintosh forums that OSX can be installed to T5500, but I haven't found a detailed guide for it. Can anybody help me with that? Thanks in advance, Lanyo
Dear Syonagar, I have neither read nor done it, just thought it would be useful (it seems to me that Lion would be faster if it could use more shared memory). Bye
Dear Syonagar, Thank you for your advice. In System preferences in bluetooth settings I turned off opening the Bluetooth System Assistant if it doesn't find keyboard or mouse when starting. After one restart it seems it is working. BTW: Do you know if is it possible to give more shared memory to the graphic card under OSX, or does exist a BIOS for D620 in which I can modify the size of the shared memory? Bye
Hello, I have the same problem - I also have D620. During install, when it is searching the keyboard and the mouse I push a 'space' and then the keyboard works. At the first boot - booting from pendrive - I connect a USB keyboard and mouse so I can fill the registration datas, then I start EDP. When the screen is empty at restart I disconnect the USB keyboard and the mouse. After that the keyboard of the laptop works, but at every start or restart the bluetooth assistant searches the keyboard. I close this window and after that I can use OSX, but I seek the solution too. Bye, lanyo
Dear Syonagar, During install, with the fitting boot pack on the pen drive it still searching the keyboard and the mouse. I can fix it if I push a 'space' on the laptop keyboard - after that they work. After reboot (I have the HDD booted from the install pen drive) it still doesn't see the keyboard and the mouse. If I join a USB keyboard and mouse I can step forward. After configuration EDP 3.3 (I use woodoo PS2 driver), after restarting system (OSX is loading) in a very few seconds the bluetooth assistant is searching the keyboard again. I close this window and then I can use the OSX, but after every restart this bluetooth assistant searches for the keyboard. Meanwhile I updated my installer to 10.7.4 and my EDP is 3.3 but the problem is still exist. I have tried to turn off the bluetooth in BIOS but in this case the mouse moved at large. Bye!
Hi JawhnL5, Thank you for your detailed description of creating Snow Leopard install! I will use it for making a security Snow Leopard install (if the Lion doesn't work efficiently) Bye
Hi sipart, I use the following settings in EDP(I'm not sure that the order is correct): D620 Intel GMA950 graphic card NullCPUPowermanagement - yes Emulated speedstep - no Slice's Aplle PS2 controller SleepEnabler - no My BIOS is A05 and it isn't flashed for OSX BIOS Speaking of BIOS: is this possible to change the size of the GMA950 graphic card's shared memory? Thanks
Thanks JawhnL5, I have already succeeded in making a Snow install stick. Syonagar, I've done what you had written and I have the following problem: during install the keyboard and the mouse don't work on the laptop (I have to connect a USB keyboard and mouse). After installing, configuring EDP 2.2 and running myfix the problem is still exist, I can use the system only with an external keyboard and mouse. Is there possible to delete a kext from the folder of the USB stick or the Extra and replace it with another which function the keyboard and the mouse with? Thanks
Dear Syonagar, Thank you for your help! I have one more question: is there any way to make a Snow installer on a Powermac G5? (this is my other computer) The version of myhack installer 1.x can be run after retail Snow Leopard.dmg is restored to the USB stick, but D620 is not booting from it. Thanks, lanyo
Hi Everyone! I'm new on this site - registered only yesterday. I have just bought a D620 because I had read on this forum that Lion could be installed on it. The specifications of the laptop: T7200 core2 duo, 2 GB Ram, Bios A05. First problem: myhack installer 3.1 at the end of the install wants to install an Extra anyway. There are two choises: generic Extra or my own Extra. As "my own Extra" I can only install the Lion Bootpack from my pendrive. Which version of the myhack installer doesn't want to install Extra? Second: as I didn't need the Extra created - whether I wanted it or not - by the myhack installer, I moved it to the trash and started the EDP 2.2 installer, then I configured it (EDP). I installed chameleon boot loader then rebooted system. The result is kernel panick. As I found out from the text woodoo HDA is at fault. Could anyone write down step by step the install process? (I would be quite happy with a 10.7.2 if it worked smoothly) Thank you!