I have follow OS X Latitude guides and MLPostFactor V3, i manage to instal with sucess Mountain Lion 10.8.4 on my Dell D630, thanks to you guys. Everything's working but the sound, i have run EDP, but AppleHDA don't seams to work.
Can someone help me please?
Thank You.
I have done exactly the same thing, and after installing EDP in Applications, edptool.command is not findable in the EXTRA folder.
Some ideas???
Thank you.
I am having the same issue with an empty /extra after installing EDP, and i can't run EDP because i have no edptool.command in Extra. Can someone help
Thank you.
Thanks to you guys I have my Dell D630 with Lion 10.7.4.
The only problem is that it Sleeps and i have to shut it down completly and boot again.
Can someone help me please?
Thank you!
Hi! iMic.
Yes i did install EDP and i'm running 10.7.4 and every thing was fine until i search and install the updates from software update.
Every options i've tried didn't work : -v -f -x , even mach_kernel arch=i386, and nothing it allways stop on the spec i rowt above.
I have made an Lion install with USB and all was fine until i made apple software search and install.
When i boot there is no disk activity and when i boot with -v it stops on
Mac Framework successfully initialized
using 15728 buffer headers and 9912 cluster IO buffer headers
Current tsc from rdtsc64() is 5949432840. Rendezvouing..
VoodooTSCSyn::doTSC(): stamp_tsc was called: 2 times
IOAPIC: Version 0x20 Vectors 64:87
ACPI: System State [s0 S3 S4 S5]
Can anyone help me please?
Thank you in advance.
I´m intalling Lion on my Dell with Intel graphic and i have one question.
Do i use the boot flags -v -f -x after the installation or do i select only the lion partition?
Thank you for your help.
I have a Dell D630 with intel graphics, is there an instalation guide for Lion?
I would like very much to put my D630 on the go.
Can someone help me please?