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  1. OS X REBOOT from PANIC with ELAN_v3.8.5_Final_Upd I have AsusNBFnKeys_v2.4_Final (no edits to info.plist). I don't use EAPDFix (cause it doesn't work for me). I think that problem happens when Dragging feature is used, especially when I press one finger to click trackpad then use 2nd finger to draw rectangle selection, it ends up with PANIC and automatic REBOOT. (I have modified info.plist, just to disable HW4 virtual buttons, automatic and continuous scroll and edge scroll, using inertial only) With ELAN_v3.8 have no problem. Thanks for info, have great day everybody...
  2. Ok once again... I'm saying I don't care about Taps, I care about SECONDARY 2F CLICK (like "Right" button click) which DOESN'T WORK.
  3. Hi, I have in my pref pane "Clicking" unchecked, that mean I have to click trackpad - no Taping, right? Have checked "For secondary click, place two fingers on trackpad, then click the button" This is my ApplePS2Elan.kext Info.plist Preferences: <key>Preferences</key> <dict> <key>2FingersPressAction</key> <integer>18</integer> <key>3FingerSwipeDownAction</key> <integer>1</integer> <key>3FingerSwipeLeftAction</key> <integer>11</integer> <key>3FingerSwipeRightAction</key> <integer>12</integer> <key>3FingerSwipeUpAction</key> <integer>3</integer> <key>3FingerSwipes</key> <true/> <key>3FingersPressAction</key> <integer>19</integer> <key>4FingerSwipeDownAction</key> <integer>9</integer> <key>4FingerSwipeLeftAction</key> <integer>6</integer> <key>4FingerSwipeRightAction</key> <integer>7</integer> <key>4FingerSwipeUpAction</key> <integer>2</integer> <key>4FingerSwipes</key> <true/> <key>4FingersPressAction</key> <integer>4</integer> <key>4FingersTapAction</key> <integer>10</integer> <key>5FingersPinchAction</key> <integer>3</integer> <key>5FingersPressAction</key> <integer>13</integer> <key>5FingersTapAction</key> <integer>5</integer> <key>AccelerationPrefValue</key> <integer>0</integer> <key>AccidentalInputTimeOut</key> <integer>1000</integer> <key>Auto2FingScroll</key> <false/> <key>AutoEdgeScroll</key> <false/> <key>CircularEdgeScroll</key> <false/> <key>CircularRotate</key> <false/> <key>Continous2FingScroll</key> <false/> <key>ContinousEdgeScroll</key> <false/> <key>CornerTapStartABS</key> <true/> <key>DisableBottomCornersTap</key> <false/> <key>EdgeScrolling</key> <false/> <key>EdgeSwipe</key> <false/> <key>EdgeSwipeBottom</key> <integer>20</integer> <key>EdgeSwipeLeft</key> <integer>6</integer> <key>EdgeSwipeRight</key> <integer>17</integer> <key>EdgeSwipeTop</key> <integer>10</integer> <key>FingLiftDragRelTimeOut</key> <integer>300</integer> <key>IdleAsusKBlightAutoOff</key> <false/> <key>IdleAsusKBlightTimeOut</key> <integer>10000</integer> <key>Inertial2FingScroll</key> <true/> <key>InertialEdgeScroll</key> <false/> <key>InertialScrollLevel</key> <integer>2</integer> <key>MulFingDoubleTaps</key> <false/> <key>PinchZoom</key> <true/> <key>PointerAccelCustomValue</key> <integer>12</integer> <key>PointerAccelerationMode</key> <integer>1</integer> <key>PointerResolution</key> <integer>1600</integer> <key>Rotation</key> <true/> <key>ScrollAccelerationMode</key> <integer>0</integer> <key>Sling2FingScroll</key> <false/> <key>SlingEdgeScroll</key> <false/> <key>SlingEffectHoldTimeOut</key> <integer>500</integer> <key>SlowScrollFilterValue</key> <integer>5</integer> <key>TapHoldDragPressure</key> <integer>0</integer> <key>TapHoldDragStartTimeOut</key> <integer>1200</integer> <key>TrackpadTappingCorners</key> <false/> <key>v3HWLegacyMode</key> <false/> <key>v4HW3ButtonsSimulated</key> <false/> <key>v4HWHasPhysicalButtons</key> <false/> </dict> In this case I would expect I can have contextual menu, right click, (secondary click) done using 2F Trackpad Click (not tap), correct? But nothing happen. Only Control+Click works for this.
  4. Version 3.8 lost functionality for 2F Secondary click? Hi, have problem with this feature, 2F Tap works ok, but when Tap is disabled, 2F click does not. Works like normal single 1F click. Cause I don't use Taps, the only way to get secondary click is using Control+click. Any idea what could be wrong, and how to fix it? Thanx, regards... Manolis
  5. Hi guys, on my ASUS UX31A I'm trying to make my Keyboard Backlight controls work with f3, f4 keys, but no luck. I've changed Info.plist from ApplePS2Keyboard.kext (PlugIn) this way, but still have no effect on Keybard Backlight. UPDATE Sorry, it works already after KeyboardBacklight_Patch. My f3, f4 controls work for Keyboard Backlight, that's nice. But the main reason why I need it was because of issues with Wake Up after Sleep, when my Keyboard backlight goes off and unable to turn it on again until after reboot. Unfortunately it's a same. After my UX31A wakes up from sleep, no keyboard backlight and f3, f4 controls don't do anything either. Please help. Thanx a lot and have good day everybody. Manolis
  6. Hi, simple question I don't have Linux available, is there any chance to get the information about codec (needed for kext configuration) from Mavericks?
  7. ASUS UX31A Zenbook Prime Requesting Patch Please...
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