After 18 minutes into the install this is what I get.. I'm learning and I'm also very confused.. I have followed hibernian56's guide to the T and it keeps failing.. Did I miss something, I'm not sure how you others have had success and it keeps dropping out for me.. HELP!!!
1. Get a friend with a working Mac or Hackintosh
2. Create a standard OSX installation USB key or USB hard drive using the many guides available...
3. Very Important: Copy the GenericUSBXHCI.kext file to /Extra/Extension folder on the USB installation Drive, otherwise you will get a number of different cryptic errors, most notably "still waiting for root device"
4. Make a folder called ++Tools on the USB installation drive
5. Copy all of the attached files into this folder. This will save a lot of pain later
Step 3 I'm confused about I have the ++Tools folder on my USB drive with the installer. and the /Extra/Extension folder that is inside the ++Tools already has the file GenericUSBXHCI.kext in it.
I'm new to the MAC world I own a MAC mini that I purchased about 3 months ago and I love MAC, hate windows with a passion but I have 2 other computers that are windows based.