I have tried all USB ports on e6220... also try a few diff brand of USB drive (sandisk, sony, kingston) re-create a few times per usb drive to test all USB drive also test and scan with no error... bios i using the legacy not the uefi thing... i even remove the 3g, wifi, bluetooth, remove ram and using only 4gb, and using another laptop's ram... hardware test all report ok, also have tried on 2 diff hdd drive... disable all additional stuff like esata and so on... bios setting i follow the myhack guide which enable the c-state, etc...
All gives me the same error as ebios read error Controller or device error... worst i cant really find much info on ebios error... most just point me to ebios error, read error which isnt the same as what i get...
my 6220 is using bios A08 is that any issue???
Appreaticate if anyone know what is going on...
One last thing, the keyboard i swap with a 6420, just like the pointing stick... but i saw someone else also did that and no such error so i not sure if its due to the keyboard or not, and there is no keyboard for me to swap back to test it now...