Surprisingly the only time I get a crash is when trying a cold boot. Sleep works awesome sat here and raced my yoga 13 which is windows 8.1 and boots fast and wakes up even faster. If I boot with -v I dont have a issue it boots right up and reboots work fine as well. Since my work gave me the laptop I didnt get to choose the 1920x1080 screen so mine is the 1366 that could be causing a little difference. I am running the i7 with 16gb ram though.
Have you tried editing the .plist and removing some .kexts from the extra directory (or rename them makes it easier if you need to fix in single user mode).
Each system will have a level of uniqueness to it even with all the same hardware so trial and error is best also recommend using a external drive and running time machine right before u make any changes makes restoring a breeze.