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  1. It works!!! I deeply appreciated your assistance.
  2. Hello Jake, I got DW1560 today but failed to make it work. If I need correct DVMT and SSDT, can you help me for that?
  3. The newest version of IntelGraphicsDVMTFixup.kext is for 10.14 while my macOS version is 10.13. when I used it I couldn’t make it boot. all of your instruction worked when I used it to 1.2.0 instead of 1.2.2 also I used 1.2.3 version of Lili.kext instead of 1.2.4 everythig worked with them.
  4. Dear Jake, I successfully installed HS on my laptop. The main problem was I used newest IntelGraphicsDVMTFixup.kext and Lilu.kext. I could complete with their correct version. Thank you very much.
  5. Jake, I couldn't make bootable partition on the SSD when I follow the instruction. and found the EFI back-up folder in the macOS in my E7270. When I use the config.plist and DSDT, SSDT files, the USB was able to boot. Can you let me know if they are fit to my laptop? (FYI, I have put the memory part in the config.plist) boot_ok_EFI.zip
  6. oh.. I could boot my HS in my SSD with the USB EFI partition. ( FYI, I have installed previously with others bootpack ) Although I couldn't boot HS installation partition in my USB. Can I do the Post-Installation part with this or I need to install HS from the beginning.?
  7. Jake, Followed your instruction carefully and I got little further progress. But it stops like the picture I attached.
  8. Reinstalled Clover over it and updated the DSDT/SSDT you gave. But same result again. However, I need to tell thank you very much for responding me. Actually I was spending time for long and you are like a light for me now. thank you!
  9. Both current macOS (real mac) and installer versions are 10.13.5 I have installed HS on my E7270 with others bootpack. I have format it with APFS at that time. But the bootpack worked only when "Legacy Option ROMs" enabled and I couldn't make ethernet adapter work with it. even I lost the bootpack now. Regarding apfs.efi, Trying to copy from /usr/standalone/i386 to /Volume/EFI/EFI/CLOVER/drivers64UEFI/ and even trying following command though I do not understand what that means exactly. ==================================================================================================== sudo perl -i -pe 's|\x00\x74\x07\xb8\xff\xff|\x00\x90\x90\xb8\xff\xff|sg' /Volumes/EFI/EFI/CLOVER/drivers64UEFI/apfs.efi ==================================================================================================== Trying to make every case but no luck. I am using Clover (4586) and tried to install ApfsDriverloader-64 a minute ago. but no luck again. I assume that I need to fix my config.plist file about my memory status because my laptop has only one 16gb ram. isn't this critical? and one question. I am making EFI folder like following. 1. Deleting existing EFI folder in USB but do not delete .IABootFiles folder because Clover doesn't make that folder. (copied it initially from my mac) 2. install Clover 4586 checking following. - Install for UEFI booting only - Install Clover in the ESP - Drivers64UEFI\AptioMemoryFix-64 - Drivers64UEFI\ApfsDriverloader-64 (Your direction) and its time to copy E7270 HS bootpack and Generic EFI from But when I copy the CLOVER folder to my USB, it gives me three option like replace, merge, stop. I select replace. Then, above AptioMemoryFix-64 and ApfsDriverload er- 64 files are disappeared. Am I doing wrong?
  10. Thank you Jake Lo. But still it cannot be booted with following message. ======================================================== ERROR!!! Loading prelinked kernel with status 0x800000000000000e Error loading kernel cache (0xe) ======================================================== Can please you help further?
  11. Dear Jake, My E7270 has very similar with mottoyin's. CPU: i7-6600U with HD520 Memory: 16G (1*16) 2133MHz DDR4 DISK: SK Hynix SC311 M.2 SATA 512G SCREEN: FULL HD touch IPS BIOS: 1.17.5 But I couldn't boot following your instruction even though switching patch files using you attached for mottoyin. I am uploading my origin folder. (cleared the folder and pressed F4 from clover boot screen and attaching.) Please help if you see this page again. Thanks in advance. origin.zip
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