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  1. Ok, but what patch? Everything works except saving light lvl after restart, it says "Failed to load nvram options" or something like that. Any help? Thank you.
  2. Try this patch , got it from first post # Fix originally discovered by RehabMan and 68x # Patch created by 68x into Method label _WAK code_regex WAK\s+\(Arg0\) replace_matched begin If (LOr (LLess(Arg0, 1), LGreater(Arg0,5))) \n { \n Store(3, Arg0) \n } \n WAK(Arg0)\n end;
  3. Brightness keys not working, also tried the patch... G75VW OS X 10.9.5 --edit-- I think I need this? --edit-- No, I needed some changes on my dsdt and the correct efi string.
  4. The touchpad is not working on my G75VW, there is a log or something? Btw, I also have a cyborg rat 5 connected and the drivers for it are installed. mavericks 10.9.5.
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