So managed to install Mac OS, but got tired of the whole RAID vs AHCI drive setup, so I went ahead and formatted my drive (Samsung 256 SSD) and set up the BIOS to run in AHCI.
Ran a combination of -v -x -f GraphicsEnabler=Yes/No PCIRootUID=0/1
With one of these combos I was able to get Mac OS to boot before, but most of the time I would get a Kernel Panic of CPU 0, 1, 2 or 3 errors.
This is probably due to the processor, but for the life of me I can't figure out what exactly.
It is a i7 4600
I ran through the setup that Jake Lo had using myHack and the updated Extras and SSDT but still nothing.
Tried also with just AHCI, Secure Boot off and Legacy. Same error.
Tried turning off VT-D, other virtualizations, hyperthreading, setting the processor numbers from auto to 2 and 1, same errors.
At this point, I'm stumped. I know when I got it to load before it was trying to read the keyboard as a Bluetooth device, wouldn't connect but keyboard still worked (no big deal) and WiFi didn't work (OEM card, no big deal as Ethernet still worked)
Did I miss a step somewhere or am I missing something? I re-ran myHack for the Extras, manually dragged and dropped the updated files that Jake Lo provided. Should I have used myHack to 'move' those in? Should I have ran some myHack check/fix tool?
Mac installer image is 10.9.5 if that makes a difference