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  1. Look this my task http://www.insanelymac.com/forum/topic/301184-success-90-dell-vostro-2520-with-os-x-1095/?p=2064967
  2. Someone can help me to enable HDMI Audio and CS4213 Audio on my Dell Vostro 2520 ? Actually I have done this: - rm /Volumes/Untitled/Extra/DSDT.aml (boot loader on USB) and /Extra/DSD.aml (bootloader on HD) - Run MaciASL - add 2 entry in Preferences Source: PATCHES, http://raw.github.com/RehabMan/Laptop-DSDT-Patch/master HDMI, https://raw.github.com/toleda/audio_hdmi_hd4000/master - extract DSDT.aml from the system (menu new from ACPI and DSDT) - patched DSDT.aml to eliminate 2 errors - patched to add HD4000 layout 3 - insert DSDT.aml in /Extra or /Volumes/Untitled/Extra/DSDT.aml Add in bootloader options: <key>DropSSDT</key> <string>Yes</string> tried also to add: <key>DSDT</key> <string>/Volumes/Untitled/Extra/DSDT.aml</string> Now probably I need to patch AppleHDA.kext but how ? CodecDump.zip
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