Hi Jake,
I started fresh again as I was getting a few problems and have followed all the instructions through. I generated my SSDT. It doesn't boot without any boot commands now, but it does boot with -f, even though I have run myfix a couple of times.
It still says "invalid partition table" on startup. Despite installing Chameleon.
When selecting Boot0md, do I want to install it to disk0: Recovery, OS or disk1: Mavericks?
I have also run into the same kernel panic as before. Last time it all went wrong when I plugged in my windows ssd and it refused to boot into OSX, I tried to use terminal on the USB and fdisk and mount the OSX partition but would get the kernal panick mentioned before.
I would really appreciate any advice, I'm a bit stuck for ideas? Anything I can do with my unmounted EFI partition that could help perhaps?