Just purchased 16gb RAM and an SSD and the little E6230 flies along quite nicely.
Noticed two issues that i'm wondering if anyone had any ideas on.
WI FI Card
I replaced the wifi card with a dell 1510.
Card works well but a little temperamental in connecting to the home wifi.
Ran the diagnostics and it stated that the 1510 card was set to country USA but my bband router was set to GB which is correct (live in the UK).
A few more googles and I think if the card and router are set to different countries then they don't communicate/hand shake so well.
Oh and something unrelated but that intrigued me... the original wifi card had three antenna wires, white, black and grey. Don't think I've seen the use of a grey antenna wire before.
Have noticed that screen redraw/processing, especially when using safari/chrome, isn't the smoothest, as if it's struggling to processes web pages, etc.
I'm not even talking about complicated pages with video etc. Just standard news pages such as bbc.co.uk.
I've used lower spec machines with the Intel HD4000 and they performed much better.
Any help or advice appreciated.