I finally managed to get my hackintosh running. I have upgraded to 10.6.8 . I have no networking due to incompatible drivers. For $4.00 I bought a small usb nic and it works fine. However, I am still unable to figure the 2 problems that have plagued me for 2 weeks. My profile shows the GMA950 but no kext loaded. I have tried 4 different versions and the OS rejects them or they don't load. I'm currently stuck at 1024x768. Not able to play videos offline because of the quartz accelerator not being present. The app store doesn't work, saying this is not an authorized mac.
I tested and found that the wallpapers transition smoothly so that is a plus. I can watch video online. The second problem is that I keep having to type cpus=1 at boot up even though it is in the com.apple.boot.plist and the chameleon bootloader.
I fixed my sound,mouse,trackpad, and keyboard with the voodooHDA and voodooPS2 kexts. I use the voodooBattery kext as well.