Well Herve, then you seem to me, to be easily offended ... My goal never is to offend anyone. As I wrote - I am starting to get desparate - combined with the fact that these "puzzles" are quite elaborate and complex, make for this to be a transgression easily made. Off course I've so far, seen some of the info on all 3 fora, I've gotten somewhat aquainted with. Being OSX86, Tony Mac and OSX Latitude. And yes, OSX Latitude, is the only one, so far where I've been able to find a way-in to finding the "Holy Grail" if you will. Here or through here, I've been able - for the first time - to find a coherent (or be-it very detailed/specific) explanation/tutorial, on what the little packages of data you are workig with do and mean, and how they should be put together.
But thank you for your input, I hope to be able to find out more, in meeting a group of similar minded people!