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Everything posted by matosiu

  1. Feb 4 00:05:08 matass-mbp kernel[0]: considerRebuildOfPrelinkedKernel prebuild rebuild has expired Feb 4 00:05:08 matass-mbp kernel[0]: No interval found for . Using 8000000 Alright so to follow up it happened again. Both instances were the same, exactly at the same time when I pressed ESC to leave youtube fullscreen mode, the trackpad disconnected. I guess i'm just not going to watch full screen youtube and see if anything else triggers the issue
  2. This is awesome! Everything works almost like on a real macbook Thank you so much for this. I only have one issue, the touchpad stops working sometimes for no reason, I have not identified what triggers it yet, but it's random and always probably after a few hours of usage. I don't know exactly what I need too upload cause I'm new here but here's the moment when it happened from the system.log if that's what needed. I have the v4 hardware and the v4.0.5 kext. Running stock mavericks 10.9. Tell me if you need any other info please.
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