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Everything posted by pauldmps

  1. I need to see your unedited DSDT in order to fnd out what needs to be edited. There is no sure shot way to tell which ig-platform-id to use. You have to try all out to see which works. The default is 0x0a260006 but in my case 0x0a260000 worked.
  2. Your DSDT was not disassembled properly! Use MaciASL for DSDT disassembly and edits.
  3. ^^ Kindly post those patches for everyone of us.
  4. Try different ig-platform-id as you have a different processor.
  5. Hi. See my guide here to fix your problem: https://osxlatitude.com/index.php?/topic/8118-guide-lenovo-z50-70/ You need to use ig-platform-id as 0x0a260000 instead of 0x0a260006
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