I was suggesting that you could just code it so that it would be case-insensitive. From even my novice view/experience, there are minor errors throughout the ASUS Zenbook (and maybe other models') DSDTs, and I doubt they are going to fix it.
But I figured most people would have corrected their DSDT anyway because I don't know of any Asus laptops that work OOTB without some DSDT changes
I'm installing it now and will let you know what works, what doesn't in a few!
EDIT (after install with Kext Wizard and rebuilt cache/permissions, then reboot):
Fn+F1: SleepFn+F2: WiFi/BT Fn+F7: BacklightFn+F8: Screen goes dark, then comes back onScroll Lock (external keyboard) (Fn irrelevant): Brightness Down (16 Values) With Animation Pause/Break (Fn irrelevant): Brightness Up (16 Values) With Animation
This seems to what would happen with or without the kext. I checked with terminal:
kextstat | grep Asus
and did not see it listed/loaded.
Could it be because I'm using these Voodoo PS2 kexts?
If so, what should I replace them with?
My DSDT (again, I'm using the one patched for UX31A, where they added stuff to try and make keyboard work without any additional kexts) is enclosed.