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  1. Hi, reviving an old thread, but I started it, so I hope that makes it ok Finally got a Sierra compatible CPU, and can't seem to get Clover to change my SMBIOS to 7,1 If I were using Enoch I suppose it'd be easier, but I'm not... Any tips would be welcome. Thank you. jn
  2. Hmm, in that case, those T8300 look pretty inexpensive on eBay. Might just go for it. What about the P8400? Also supports SSE4 as well, and it looks like they run a bit cooler.
  3. Oh, that's it? Haha, I thought I was done for updates. Thanks for the help!
  4. So the App Store is telling me "this version of macOS 10.12 cannot be installed on this computer" when I try to download Sierra. Will the final version of 10.12 be supported for these old Dxxx machines? Frankly, I don't see any features in the new OS that I MUST have, but always curious about the latest and greatest.
  5. Hey, for the next guy searching: I thought I had lost VGA after upgrading. The thing that changed in El Capitan is that after you plug in to the VGA, go to System Preferences > Displays. You now have to hold down the Option key (Win key), and the option to detect displays magically appears.
  6. Nothing in the SMBios plist about it. But turning off IDA did the trick. System information app now reports the true speed. Thanks!
  7. Hi! So system information says I have the 2.2 GHz cpu, but in fact I upgraded a while back to the higher one, the T7700 2.4 GHz. (this one) I downloaded MaciASL to try and edit the dsdt myself, but there are no repo/patches for stuff this basic (that I can find). Would anyone care to tweak my dsdt for me? DSDT.aml.zip Yeah, I know I'm new here and it's rather cheeky to ask, but if you would, I'd appreciate it very much. Thank you.
  8. Your voodoobattery works! Weird, it's the exact same size as the one I had installed. But I hadn't used MyHack, just kextwizard. Thank you. What about AppleSmartBatteryManager makes it better? Would it even work on 10.7? (yeah, I could just try it right now, but I'm a little reluctant to mess with it since it's finally working).
  9. Hi - I have OSX Lion running on my Nvidia 140m d830. I installed with MyHack. The only REAL issue I had was the sometimes black-screen boot up, was fixed by a properly patched DSDT posted by someone here. But the other issue that is not a deal-breaker, but annoying, is that I can't get it show the battery icon in the menu bar. If I go to energy saving in the system prefs, the box immediatly unchecks when I check it. Have tried (one-by-one, installed via KextWizard, then discarded if not working): AppleSmartBatteryManager.kext VoodooBattery.kext ACPIBatterManager.kext booting with the -f flag So far no luck. It works fine on battery, I just never know how much charge is left. Any ideas? Thanks!
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