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  1. thanks.. but it's really slow.. how could I adjust sensitive pad?
  2. I'm installed High Siera on my Dell e6230 went smooth but one thing my trakpad has no option on sys pref like OS above, and i can't "click" my trackpad for right or left like on mouse. Maybe any solution I missed on this forum?. thanks for admin. and sorry for my english
  3. Update 10.11.4 Kernel Panic Update 10.11.5 Kernel Panic after check turns out to be a problem is VoodooPS2. is there any here who have VoodooPS2 for E6230 works with 10.11.5 Thanks.
  4. Thanks. It's work. But the status battery always "calculating time remaining" sometimes show X... any patch we can apply to fix this. thanks again
  5. I have 2 Latitude E6230 & 6430 Boot loader Using Clover UEFI & Legacy DoubleBoot with Windows 10 [GUID Partition] All hardware Perfect but only 1 problem on 2 machine there's same issue No Battery Status. I did every tutorial in here and out there, and using my own experience but still no luck on this 2 machine. I wondering what's wrong.. May I know or screenshot from you guys, if you have battery status using clover on guid Partition doubleboot with windows. Or this cause the problem? battery on #3 place [capture from windows 10] Thanks for your attention.
  6. please upload Multitouch kext and battery kext. thanks
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