Hey Hervé,
i hope you can help me. I think i got abit more forward, but it does not work correctly, so what I did:
1. i checked my DSDT file, i found out that i have EH01 and EH02.
EH01 has 8 Ports, PRT0 - PRT7.
EH02 has 6 Ports, PRT8 - PRTC.
I checked IOReg and found this:
The WWAN Card is located in PRT3
2. then i grabed a USB Injector Kext from Rehab from this month.
I opened the info.plist and searched for the EH01 and EH02.
I found them, but the entries were not correct. the ports were called PR11, PR12, and so on.
I changed them to PTR0 - PTR7 and PTR8 - PTRC like it was visible on my DSDT.
i also changed the "integer" values of each of the prts according to the entry of the DSDT file.
Device (PRT0)
Name (_ADR, One)
Name (_UPC, Package(0x04)
i used the second line of _UPC in this example as the integer entry. when 0xFF was written, i used 255 (obvious ^^) and if it was Zero i used 0. (i colled the value i used in green in the code.
What i am very unsure about, is the following entry in the info.plist of the Injector:
<data> BQAAAA== </data>
my current Info.plist part about EH01 and EH02 looks like this right now.
after i was done with this, i installed the USBInjector kext file to the S/L/E, fixed the permissions, rebuild the cache and restarted.
after that i had seen the following:
But i was not able to connect to t-mobile (i live in germany)
so i was checking abit arround in my system infos and so on, and noticed that my WWAN Entry was empty.
So i checked the CellPhoneHelper.kext and noticed that i did not copied the correct patched file to S/L/E.
I did that, fixed the permissions, rebuilded the cache and restarted the Laptop.
Now, the Card shows up in the System Info again, like this
But now the Entry on the NetworkPreferences is gone again
in the IOReg it looks now like this:
But now after i did all these modifications, it tells me the WWAN Card is on PRT0 o.o
I am not an expert to Hackintoshing in this level, i am kinda new. If you have an idea what i did wrong, i would highly appreciate it. because i do not know how to go further
Kind regards