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  1. @Jake LoYes, that's what I was using. It seems that on some point I've messed it up
  2. @Jake Lo Wow! Thanks! This worked like a charm! It's working now perfectly. What I don't understand is why it worked before the update. Thanks again!
  3. $ system_profiler SPDisplaysDataType | grep Resolution Resolution: 1600 x 900 Resolution: 1920 x 1080 (1080p FHD - Full High Definition) That's it.
  4. Hello Jake. I had ig-platform-id set to 0x01660004, working flawlessly with 10.3.3. Now, with this id, HDMI output is not working. I've noticed now that if I change it to 0x01660003 I get HDMI working and macOS detects the two screens, but the internal LCD remains black. Backlight seems to work fine, if I use brightness control keys I can see how the backlight on the black screen dims or lights up. Also macOS detects the two screens, so the screen is somewhat working, but I can't see nothing. I've generated debug files, here they are. Thanks. debug_7054.zip
  5. Hello. I've been using High Sierra 10.3.3 flawlessly on an E5430 i5 vPro 1600x900, using a dual monitor setup (external + laptop). Today I've updated to 10.3.4 and suddenly I can't use the external monitor. It remains undetected. If I use Fn+F8 to switch screen, the external monitor is activated but screen is garbaged, and I can't restore it until reboot, even if I switch back to laptop LCD by Fn+F8. I've been reading, updating kexts, updating Clover, checking config.plist, but I can't get this working. Any tips on what should I try next? Thanks.
  6. Hello again, Jake. Yes, I've installed it, and I've rebuilt cache, getting error 17, but it's not working. But while trying I've noticed something. The problem with the HDMI video output wasn't the ig-platform-id, the problem is with the sound driver. When I changed ig-platform-id to 01660009, I also installed the AppleALC kexts to get some audio meanwhile, and in the next reboot worked audio and HDMI video output. But what was enabling HDMI was the AppleALC kext, not the ig-platform-id. Now, trying to reinstall AppleHDA_IDT to check if I rebuilt caches correctly, I was getting again the problem with HDMI. I've turned again to AppleALC (and turned ig-platform-id to 01660004) and I've got working HDMI.
  7. Hello again. Now it's working!! I've just changed the 'ig-platform-id' on config.plist from 01660004 to 01660009 and it's working (for 30 minutes flawlessly). Now let's got for the sound, the e5530 bootpack doesn't work for sound. What could I try?
  8. Hello Jake. I already have this on config.plist. I've used the e5530 bootpack and the patch are already in. I've noticed that it works fine with internal display, but as soon as I connect and HDMI display, the computer crashes and reboots instantly. Thanks.
  9. Hello. I've installed Sierra on an e5430 (vPro, 1600x900, A12 BIOS). I've used the e5530 bootpack from clover guide and it works well enough. But HDMI output is not working. I'm trying to enable it, but I don't know exactly what to do. One thing I've tried is to use the AppleIntelFramebufferCapri.kext from here, but it does the machine to crash if I don't boot in safe mode. In safe mode it makes HDMI to work, but I have glitches and freezes. Any ideas? Thanks.
  10. I've installed it and works perfectly! Thanks for the help.
  11. Thanks Jake, this works! But I only has the output device, internal speakers, I don't have any input device. Edit to explain details: With VoodooHDA (on other disk installation) I can use mic from iPhone headset. With this configuration the mic doesn't appear.
  12. Here we go! The kexts on /Other/LE are also installed on /Library/Extensions. Thanks. EFI.zip
  13. Hello again. First thing I've tried is Jake's config.plist patches with this DummyHDA for 10.11.4. The second I've tried is your kexts from here. None worked. I don't know what can be wrong.
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