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qwerty12 last won the day on July 6 2013

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  1. If it is connected to the NVIDIA card, then you can make the card show up in Mavericks (this may cause Mountain Lion to hang on startup, though) by changing the MSOS function inside the DSDT to store OSVT. (Grab the latest version of the DSDT from the Extra.zip - I changed it to not turn off the NVIDIA card if OSVT is stored.) However, it fails to read the properties off the card correctly (0MB RAM etc.) so the correct values would probably have to be injected manually inside the DSDT (GraphicsEnabler=Yes may work but I haven't tried it). The NVCAP value can be obtained by running Phoenix Tool on a BIOS image, grepping the DUMPed files for "NVIDIA" and feeding the matching files to NVCAP Maker in OS X until it produces an NVCAP value in hex that you can (after manipulation) put into the DSDT. I say this because as far as I know, the NVIDIA card in an Optimus configuration can be used for CUDA purposes when both the Intel card and it are showing up, but you may be able to, somehow, get it to take control of the HDMI port (assuming it is actually connected to the HDMI port) in OS X.
  2. Thanks for this, much appreciated. It might not be working because I suspect it's wired up to the NVIDIA card on this laptop or if that turns out not to matter, it's because I chose the wrong HDMI-out port number (I guessed since I don't have any HDMI cables) when changing the table in the SNB FB kext. You could restore the original table by running the commands I already posted but swapping $OLD_TABLE & $NEW_TABLE and try the next HDMI port designation (I think I chose 203 [smth. like that] the first time but it may be 503 that's needed)
  3. I don't know, then. I don't have any monitors anymore that I can test with. 1. No. The only time I saw it when I used to boot without DualLink injected, which I need because my native resolution is 1600x900 2. I doubt it EDIT: I'd recommend patching your kext yourself following EmlyDinesh's guide. Your VGA port may be connected differently to mine
  4. I've attached it, but remember that it's from a later version of 10.9 and it may cause your install not to boot unless you restore the original (keep a backup!) I recommend patching your current version, instead, by running the following in Terminal: APPLEINTELSNBGRAPHICSFB="/System/Library/Extensions/AppleIntelSNBGraphicsFB.kext/Contents/MacOS/AppleIntelSNBGraphicsFB" OLD_TABLE="\x01\x02\x04\x00\x10\x07\x00\x00\x10\x07\x00\x00\x05\x03\x00\x00\x02\x00\x00\x00\x30\x00\x00\x00\x02\x05\x00\x00\x00\x04\x00\x00\x07\x00\x00\x00\x03\x04\x00\x00\x00\x04\x00\x00\x09\x00\x00\x00\x04\x06\x00\x00\x00\x04\x00\x00\x09\x00\x00\x00" NEW_TABLE="\x01\x02\x03\x00\x10\x07\x00\x00\x10\x07\x00\x00\x05\x03\x00\x00\x02\x00\x00\x00\x30\x00\x00\x00\x02\x05\x00\x00\x00\x04\x00\x00\x07\x00\x00\x00\x06\x02\x00\x00\x02\x00\x00\x00\x30\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00" sudo perl -pi -e "s|$OLD_TABLE|$NEW_TABLE|g" $APPLEINTELSNBGRAPHICSFB sudo touch /System/Library/Extensions sudo kextcache -update-volume / and then rebootAppleIntelSNBGraphicsFB.kext.tar.gz
  5. Hey, After plugging in the monitor, are you going to the Display Preferences, holding down the Windows key and hitting Detect Displays? It's been a long time since I've connected a monitor to my N55SL, personally; the last time I tried was in 10.8.4 and it did work for me there. If you installed the rc.shutdown.local script, then the SNBGraphics kext should already be patched by now, but you can try patching it yourself or I can upload you mine from my 10.9 DP5 install which may or may not work for VGA -- I haven't tested it
  6. Hello, cbmoon, and welcome! I was already running Windows 8 before I installed OS X. I had no problems installing Chameleon to the OS X partition afterwards -- I just had to write the Chameleon partition bootsector to the HFS partition (the guide should say how to do this, just look for fdisk440). EDIT: I'm not...
  7. Thanks for finding out it actually works on boot. Slight nitpick: the path to the BatteryProcessorCoreControl is missing its initial forward-slash. I'll point the first post to yours, though, as it's certainly better than my "hints" I tried as it would've been easier for me since the kext was already monitoring battery and sleep states but I couldn't find a documented/public way to turn off the processors when running inside the kernel (if it exists I'm not clever enough to find it and if it doesn't, it just places more maintenance work on me that I'd rather avoid - what if the way processors are turned off internally differs from one OS X version to another?) so I'm sticking with the user space program (which I won't be personally using, but to each their own): kext or program, they both take a little bit of memory and run in the background anyway, so what's the difference?
  8. Great! Glad it works for you! Regarding the plist, RehabMan has a simple template here: http://www.tonycrapx86.com/hp-probook/104551-cpu-package-multiplier-can-edit-2.html#post638960 If you're running BatteryProcessorCoreControl with arguments (like the one to turn off HT or to keep on more cores), then keep the ProgramArguments array or if not, just remove it and just use a simple Program key: <key>Program</key> <string>/path/to/BatteryProcessorCoreControl</string>I recommend putting the BatteryProcessorCoreControl binary inside /usr/local/bin and setting appropriate permissions and ownership:sudo chown root:wheel /usr/local/bin/BatteryProcessorCoreControl sudo chmod 755 /usr/local/bin/BatteryProcessorCoreControl Awesome, thanks a lot for your contribution and for doing what I couldn't. I'll add a link in the first post for those desiring a Lion version
  9. I don't remember how to use it but kextutil has some options you can pass to it for verbose output to see why a kext isn't loading. I can't - Xcode under Mavericks only has the 10.8 and 10.9 SDKs available. Thanks. I'm at a loss, then - the code to disable the processor is taken from a book covering OS X Tiger and SleepWatcher does something similar to what the this program does to monitor battery state (and sleep) and it claims to work with 10.7. Maybe it's because I built the binary for 10.8 (I don't seem to have a choice -- or if I do, I certainly can't find the right choices in Xcode). I do have one idea, though. I'll edit this post with another binary you can try in an hour (probably earlier, but an hour at the most). EDIT: See the first post for a working version.
  10. Heh, when working on that I realised how dumb I am... Is the kext actually loading? Does it show up in kextstat? Active as in all the cores were just showing up on the screen or active as in all were showing activity? "sysctl -a | grep cpu | grep hw" should show hw.logicalcpu being less than hw.logicalcpu_max if it is working.
  11. https://osxlatitude.com/index.php?/topic/1969-guide-for-enabling-vga-and-hdmi-in-intel-hd3000-gpu/ In particular, after following EMlyDinEsH's guide, make sure to take in the note, too.
  12. Try adjusting the Base SDK to 10.7, changing the "Compiler for C/..." setting to the LLVM version that comes with Lion, setting the Deployment Target to 10.7 and setting the C++ Language Dialect to the Compiler Default (pretty sure I don't take advantage of any GNU extensions...). EDIT: See the first post.
  13. Hey, Thanks, I caught a lucky break: I found ML on one of my USBs, which I then used to upgrade to the Mavericks beta The source code has always been on GitHub, you can find the link in the first post P.S. Amit Singh's wonderful OS X book has a section on how to turn off processors and I checked - it's the same way that Instruments does it, so there's progress on that front!
  14. Great, thanks for testing! I've released version 2 (yes, I am using Firefox-style version numbers...) based on your feedback. WRT your feature request, you might have to wait a while as I'll have to see if I can figure out how to turn off the cores and my OS X install died when trying to downgrade FakeSMC (I suspect the latest version is preventing me from waking up my laptop). Thanks to Apple creating the best filesystem since FAT12, fsck refuses to repair the filesystem and I'm stuck with an OS X install that won't boot and no OS X installation media at the moment...
  15. Thanks for the reply. I don't know what I was expecting when I wrote that post, really - of course ExternalConnected would remain the same, but my laptop was toggling it then for some reason. Thanks to your work, I've added a check to see if BatteryInstalled returns true before doing anything. Could you please try the attached version and see if your laptop is still turning off Turbo Boost when the battery is taken out? While I've told Xcode to target 10.8, I am nevertheless running 10.9 so I don't know if the kext will actually load in 10.8 (it should!) but I don't have 10.8 running anymore myself to see. EDIT: Removed. Check the first post, which is the same thing as what was here before.
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